This from"
Karl Mead alerted us to a Mac OS X 10.4.3 OpenGL problem documented by at least one third-party developer:
... There are a variety of problems from the 10.4.3 update for both ATI and nVidia cards with Sketchup, an OpenGL-based 3D modeling package. There are some work arounds for Sketchup - turning off "fast feedback" and using the ATI Displays download has allowed some users to regain functionality. There are several threads on the Sketchup forums about this issue. So far I have chosen not to do the upgrade fearing problems. The publishers of Sketchup, @Last, have posted an alert on their front page:
Dear SketchUp User: The release of Apple's update to OS X 10.4.3 has caused some problems for a number of OpenGL applications including SketchUp. If your video is driven by:
ATI video card: You may see extreme cases where dots follow your cursor when using tools like the Pencil tool in larger models. Or you may see things like lines that are drawn by the tool don't seem to be at the right depth. In both of these cases, the issue can be fixed by turning off fast feedback: SketchUp pulldown menu -> Preferences -> OpenGL -> uncheck "Use fast feedback"
nVidia video card: You may be unable to see geometry as it is drawn in large models until after the drawing action is complete - e.g., no rubber band stretching of an edge with the Pencil tool. This issue can be fixed by turning off fast feedback as mentioned above. You may also not be able to see the selection boxes when using the Select tool. Unfortunately, the only fix for this issue is to turn off your video card's hardware acceleration: SketchUp pulldown menu -> Preferences -> OpenGL -> uncheck "Use Hardware acceleration" These are the issues which have come to our attention, but there may be other problems. Unfortunately, the Apple update has caused problems for a number of other applications that use OpenGL. @Last is working with Apple to hopefully have Apple issue a fix as soon as possible. In the meantime if you have not already updated to OS X 10.4.3, @Last recommends that you refrain from doing so temporarily.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current