I rendered elevations on artlantis saving them as TIF. at 600 and one 300 Dpi to see if there was any differance in quality. The one at 600 opened up once then openend black 2nd time and the one at 300 opens up black too, any ideas why?
Also what do you think is the best format to save an render at to get maxium quality?
I mostly save as Photoshop.psd in Artlantis, to be able to edit in Photoshp using the layers.
Save as .jpg in high quality to place on layouts in Archicad. This will give you simplest handling and smallest pdfs when you Publish from Archicad.
When you import the pictures into Archicad, remember to set their resolution (dpi) in the Picture tool's settings box.
That seems to have worked however now when i try to publish to a pdf, it only publishes one elevation (72 Dpi) but wont publish any of the others (600 Dpi). Any ideas on how to solve this? I tried publishing them as psd but then nothing at all publishes, also tried printing them straight from AC but that didnt work either, but thats probably cause the memory on the printer i use is pathetic.
I'm guessing: You've run into a memory constraint. The pictures are too big, or the resolution is too high for the size you've chosen, to work with the O/S, memory and graphics card you have.
Since you seldom need more than 150 dpi resolution (for color images) at the final printed output, re-set your process accordingly.