Mayb no help, but to me the ultimate computer is the one that is released next year, running the programs from last year...
I'm afraid that any new computer won't be fast enough once you drop enough CAD objects onto it.
That said, I read everywhere that ATI Radeon cards beat the nVidia cards these days, but both should be good. As long as you can afford a good OpenGL-card, ArchiCAD will love it.
And then as much RAM as possible. Start with 1 GB.
A dual 3 GHz will be nice (it won't improve ArchiCAD, but it'll improve using more then one application at the same time, e.g. Plotmaker and ArchiCAD).
HD/access? When loading models & libraries this will have a big effect, but during work? Maybe the caching will work smoother, but RAM-speed & size will have a bigger impact on program speed.
P.S. I run ArchiCAD 8.1 on a P3 600 MHz with 256 MB RAM on Windows XP. Not quite an ArchiCAD-PC
🙂 but at least it runs.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book