we have been using the zones for generating overall house areas for a while now and just discovered a problem with the way the perimeters are calculated and was wondering if anyone has any solutions etc.
i have narrowed it down to the use of profiled walls for external walls.
heres the problem ...
i have a cavity wall profile ie (90 50 90) for the external wall, then i trace this with a zone for generating an overall area and perimeter.
it seems that even tho i have archicad to not do wall/column subtraction (under project preferences), it does anyway when i use a profiled wall, but not all the time (or we would have discovered this much sooner).
if i change the wall to a generic non-profiled wall of the same size the problems disappears.
as you can see in the pic the zone gives the right area, but the perimeter seems to subtract the profiled wall when it does the caluclation.
does anybody have any solutions?
Is it a problem with the way i am doing this or a bug in archicad?