2017-05-04 11:09 PM
2017-05-05 05:12 AM
2017-05-05 05:28 AM
2017-05-05 05:38 AM
2017-05-05 03:36 PM
opart wrote:Maybe there is an element far removed from the model that affects the Fit in Window command. You could go to each Story and Fit in Window to see if it shows up. Have you tried selecting one element in plan, right-clicking Show Selection/Marquee in 3D, then Fit in Window in the 3D view to see if that works?
Interestingly, "select all" DOES select items. This gave the upper left corner of the view a slight glow in the selection color, however when I tried dragging the view still nothing showed up.
2017-05-05 03:44 PM