fortunately the hammock is situated in the gulf of thailand and not the andaman sea. the slight tremble felt early boxing day morning was put down to christmas day excess and the only danger posed thus far is as dwight suggests:
which way do you get into the hammock after too many singha in such a way that you don't come out again unexpectedly.
cheers all. surf's up!
(on a more serious note: many people i've met passing through here in the last few weeks and months have been heading that way. and several of those to dive. when i look around here and try to imagine something similar roaring through the gulf of thailand i feel sure that we wouldn't have stood a chance. it takes two days for the newspapers to get here nevermind assistance on a massive scale. thanks for the concern john. back to sydney in a few weeks . . .)
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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