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Archicad Legacy Library

Jan Millan

As Archicad evolves, certain older elements are phased out to make way for new features and improvements. However, some of these older elements from the Monolith Libraries are still necessary for specific regional standards, particularly for 2D drawing elements. To continue supporting these needs, these legacy elements are now provided in special library container files (LCFs) called "Archicad Legacy Objects." which can be added into your project via the Library Manager.


Where to Find the Legacy Objects:

  • ~/Graphisoft/Archicad 28/Archicad Legacy Objects/


Content and Structure:


The "Archicad Legacy Objects" LCFs contain predefined elements and essential macros that work independently. In some cases, you may encounter duplicate macros and images if these LCFs are used alongside other packages (like the Essential Library or Object Macros). These duplicates will not affect functionality, as they have unique IDs and are designed to coexist. The tree structure of these objects stays as monolith library.


Important Note:

  • There is no direct migration from the old Monolith Library to the Legacy Objects.

  • Changing the language through the Library Localization Preferences will not impact these elements, as their defaults have been adapted to the specific language version of Archicad they belong to.


Language Versions with “Archicad Legacy Objects”


The following language versions will include "Archicad Legacy Objects" by default in their installation:

  • FIN (Finland)

  • HUN (Hungary)

  • USA (United States)

  • DACH Languages (Austria, Germany, Switzerland): Loading these libraries simultaneously can cause duplicate errors in the Library Manager. The elements are functionally the same, with possible translation differences.


Downloadable Versions:


Some language versions do not include the LCFs by default in their installers due to the limited number of items removed. However, missing items from other language versions will be available through the BIM Components portal. See below for itemized list:

  • BRA (Brasil)
    • 2 Zone Stamps; Selo de Zona BRA, Selo de Zona ID 01
  • CHI (China)

    • 1 Label; 中国立面标高

  • KOR (Korea)

    • 1 Label; k실명부호

  • NZE (New Zealand)

    • 1 Object; Sheet Template

  • POR (Portugal)

    • 1 Zone Stamp; Rótulo de Zona POR

  • RUS (Russia)

    • 11 Steel Sections; Библиотека объектов

    • 1 Zone Stamp; Маркировка помещения

  • TUR (Turkey)

    • 1 Zone Stamp; Mahal Damgası TUR

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