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Beam label - Displaying profile name.

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I'm trying to modify the standard AC13 beam label to automatically display the name of the complex profile.

In a schedule you can use the 'cut fill type' parameter to display the profile name, so would using the BEAM_FILL parameter somewhere within a label do the same? I also see on this page that 'ac_beam_profile_name' returns the profile name. How do I use either of them?

For example

pn= REQUEST ("ac_beam_profile_name","", beampro)

comes up with an error.

Many thanks.
Ben Cohen
Hi Peter

Try creating a 'Text' type parameter called 'ac_beam_profile_name'. Then use this in your scripts.

Ben Cohen
Mac and PC
Archicad (Latest Version) aus
Not applicable
Hi Ben,

Thanks for that, it works perfectly!

It's simple when you know how!

Not applicable
I Can't do that... please could you explain better the way to do that? I tried to create a string variable called "ac_beam_profile_name", but in this way the string is empty (or is the same of what you write it). I tried other way to do that but without results...
Any help is much appreciate!
Peter wrote:
Hi Ben,

Thanks for that, it works perfectly!

It's simple when you know how!

Not applicable
You're half way there!

Now you have created the variable "ac_beam_profile_name" in your beam label, simply refer to that variable in the script where you would like the beam profile name to appear.

In the image attached, you can see I created a boolean variable named "prof_on" to determine whether "profdisp" either equals the profile name or nothing. It's probably a bit crude, but it seems to work!

Hope that helps!
Not applicable
Thank you for help! I had done it but not the right way, and I was going crazy... I'm developing a label unique for all kind of elements, after complete I'll post it for everybody!

Peter wrote:
You're half way there!

Now you have created the variable "ac_beam_profile_name" in your beam label, simply refer to that variable in the script where you would like the beam profile name to appear.

In the image attached, you can see I created a boolean variable named "prof_on" to determine whether "profdisp" either equals the profile name or nothing. It's probably a bit crude, but it seems to work!

Hope that helps!
Not applicable
I've done It! Anyone who needs of my label which recognises the type of element (wall, beam, column, roof, slab, windows and doors) and label the name of profile, x & y dimensions, height, volume, weight and base elevation please request directly:
Of course it's a beta version, I tested many situation but something may be improved....