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Contemporary Bathtub

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Hi, i am trying to create a bathtub as an object for archicad, ive tried using mesh tool and then saving as object but it just doesnt look right.
can anyone help me?

i am using archicad 12

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U may try with walls complex profiles.
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Ellipsoid in Lib Parts.
Or model it in Max/Rhino/Maya/etc. for more detail and import as 3ds.
I would go with Kliments suggestion too .. from the look of it that shape is not a consistent curve so the profiled walls probably can't do the job.

ArchiCAD's 3DS import is not exactly great though, there is a fair chance your imported object is going to have a bunch of lines from faceting curves that you won't want. If this happens it is technically possible to clean them up by editing the GDL code .. but not practical (just open the 3D Script and you will see)

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
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Just a quick try

One complex profil wall and one ellipse.
All in ArchiCAD.
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I've done some bathroom designs in the past with the Alape spoon XL bathtub but never accomplished modeling it in 3D... In fact it's not oval but egg type
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Hi Joeri,

I think you would get better results with the spline tool...

After you get the right shape:

1. Use the magic wand to create a fill;

2. Also with the magic wand create a hole with the bath thickness;

3. Cut half of the shape to build a complex profile;

4. Use this complex profile to do the half rotation along the axis;

5. Save a 3d view with the correct orientation.

It seems that the original shape is also stretched along the z axis... To achieve this use another zzyzx value to get a perfect result and save it as an object again with the final zzyzx value.

p.s.: Use a cross to help you built the oval shape... making the four nodes of the spline be coincident with the cross

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Hi Paulo,

Not that difficult to achieve .
Very clear and simple approach!
I'm kind of embarrassed I couldn't find out myself...
For a current project I struggle with the shape of this kind of bathtub...