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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About building parametric objects with GDL.

Custom Property Label - Text Orientation

TJ Admin

Can someone please show me how to change the script to the existing Property Label so I can use it in a vertical application please. I just want to be able to keep the text horizontal. And the leader in the centre.



I tried all these settings in the parameters (variables), but it made no change.



Kevin Lee
I think the script below will help keep the text in horizontal orientation.
rrr= REQUEST ("view_rotangle", "", angleViewRotation)

IF ww>90 and ww<=180 then
ROT2 180-ww

IF ww<=270 and ww>180 then
ROT2 180-ww

IF ww>270 and ww<=360 then
ROT2 -ww

IF ww>0 and ww<= 90 THEN 
ROT2 -ww
Kevin Lee | Director of Technology | BIM
TZG Architects
ARCHICAD 27 | GDL | Rhino.GH | Solibri | Twinmotion
Mac Studio-M2 24‑core CPU | 60‑core GPU | 128GB memory

In my script, what position do I add your addendum to? Still a bit green with GDL. Do I have to add a parameter  (variable)?

I used the Archicad 26 and re-saved it as a custom label. Thanks so much for your input!



! ==============================================================================
! Functions:
! - Offered Tools: all
! - Content: Name and ID and Material
! - Size: paper size
! ==============================================================================
_isPreview = (GLOB_CONTEXT = 5)
_paperToModel = GLOB_SCALE/1000

! resizing paper size parameters values to model length
widthTextBoxContent_mm = widthTextBoxContent_mm * _paperToModel
widthHead_mm = widthHead_mm * _paperToModel
heightHead_mm = heightHead_mm * _paperToModel
distanceLabelHead_mm = distanceLabelHead_mm * _paperToModel
thkLeaderLine_mm = thkLeaderLine_mm * _paperToModel
lengthExtensionLine_mm = lengthExtensionLine_mm * _paperToModel
thkExtensionLine_mm = thkExtensionLine_mm * _paperToModel

gosub "install_label_position"

gosub "collect_content"

gosub "position_and_draw_label"

! ==============================================================================
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Label positioning - global behavior for Marker form Labels
! - origin is where AC gives, the table begins with top left anchor
! - orientation is rotated with the parent structure by default
! - without AC Arrow
! - drawing the full symbol marker form
! - the origin is at the arrow peak
! - rotating with parent elem direction
! - Reference Point is cordinated by user
! - with AC Arrow
! - drawing only the head text
! - the origin is at the boundary
! - handling of rotation is belongs to AC (AC_CustomReadabilty OFF)
! - Reference Point is cordinated at Pointer tabpage
! LABEL_POSITION - position of the label
! - array[3][2] containing the coordinates of the 3 points defining the label position
! - the other transformations live in the label_marker_macro
! ==============================================================================

nTrans = 0

if not(LABEL_HAS_POINTER) then




! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ==============================================================================
nTrans = 0

_nRowLabel = 0
dim _sRowsOfLabel[][]
_sRowsOfLabel[1][1] = ""
dim _sContentStringsHead[][]
_sContentStringsHead[1][1] = ""

_sSeparator = " "
_sSuffixName = ""
_sSuffixID = ""

dim _iUnitLocal[12]
for iA = 1 to 12
_iUnitLocal[iA] = 0 ! no need unit
next iA

if i1stRowContent <> CONTENT_PROPERTY then
_i1stRowContent = i1stRowContent
_stCustomText1 = stCustomText1
_stPropertyValue = ""
_i1stRowContent = CONTENT_CUSTOM
_stPropertyID = stPropertyID1
gosub "getPropertyValue"
_stCustomText1 = _stPropertyValue

dim _iSelectedContent[]
_iSelectedContent[1]= _i1stRowContent
_iIDText = iIDText1
_sSuffixID = _sSeparator
_sSuffixName = _sSeparator
_stCustomText = _stCustomText1 + _sSeparator
gosub "call_general_label_macro" ! returned text array, _nRowLabel, _sRowsOfLabel
_sContentStringsHead = _sRowsOfLabel
_numRow = vardim1(_sContentStringsHead)
_numColu = vardim2(_sContentStringsHead)

if b2ndRowContent then

if i2ndRowContent <> CONTENT_PROPERTY then
_i2ndRowContent = i2ndRowContent
_stCustomText2 = stCustomText2
_stPropertyValue = ""
_i2ndRowContent = CONTENT_CUSTOM
_stPropertyID = stPropertyID2
gosub "getPropertyValue"
_stCustomText2 = _stPropertyValue

dim _iSelectedContent[]
_iSelectedContent[1]= _i2ndRowContent
_iIDText = iIDText2
_sSuffixID = _sSeparator
_sSuffixName = _sSeparator
_stCustomText = _stCustomText2 + _sSeparator
gosub "call_general_label_macro" ! returned text array, _nRowLabel, _sRowsOfLabel
if iArrangeContent = ARRANGE_ROW then
for iRow = 1 to vardim1(_sRowsOfLabel)
for iColu = 1 to vardim2(_sRowsOfLabel)
_sContentStringsHead[iRow][_numColu + iColu] = _sRowsOfLabel[iRow][iColu]
next iColu
next iRow
for iRow = 1 to vardim1(_sRowsOfLabel)
for iColu = 1 to vardim2(_sRowsOfLabel)
_sContentStringsHead[_numRow + iRow][iColu] = _sRowsOfLabel[iRow][iColu]
next iColu
next iRow
_numRow = vardim1(_sContentStringsHead)
_numColu = vardim2(_sContentStringsHead)

if b3rdRowContent then

if i3rdRowContent <> CONTENT_PROPERTY then
_i3rdRowContent = i3rdRowContent
_stCustomText3 = stCustomText3
_stPropertyValue = ""
_i3rdRowContent = CONTENT_CUSTOM
_stPropertyID = stPropertyID3
gosub "getPropertyValue"
_stCustomText3 = _stPropertyValue

dim _iSelectedContent[]
_iSelectedContent[1]= _i3rdRowContent
_iIDText = iIDText3
_sSuffixID = ""
_sSuffixName = ""
_stCustomText = _stCustomText3
gosub "call_general_label_macro" ! returned text array, _nRowLabel, _sRowsOfLabel
if iArrangeContent = ARRANGE_ROW then
for iRow = 1 to vardim1(_sRowsOfLabel)
for iColu = 1 to vardim2(_sRowsOfLabel)
_sContentStringsHead[iRow][_numColu + iColu] = _sRowsOfLabel[iRow][iColu]
next iColu
next iRow
for iRow = 1 to vardim1(_sRowsOfLabel)
for iColu = 1 to vardim2(_sRowsOfLabel)
_sContentStringsHead[_numRow + iRow][iColu] = _sRowsOfLabel[iRow][iColu]
next iColu
next iRow
_numRow = vardim1(_sContentStringsHead)
_numColu = vardim2(_sContentStringsHead)


! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Text Style tabpage:
! LABEL_HAS_POINTER - built-in pointer ON/OFF
! - on/off 1 if the Use symbol arrow checkbox is checked, 0 otherwise
! AC_LabelPointerLineType - line type of the line of the arrow
! AC_LabelPointerPen - pen of the arrow
! AC_TextFont_1 - font name
! AC_TextSize_1 - text size
! AC_TextPen_1 - pen of the text
! AC_LabelTextBgrPen - text box background pen
! - 0 if opaque is off, the background pen otherwise
! AC_TextStyle_1 - font style in the settings dialog box
! - 0 - normal, otherwise j1 + 2*j2 + 4*j3 + 32*j6 + 64*j7 + 128*j8, j1 - bold, j2 - italic, j3 - underline, j6 - superscript, j7 - subscript, j8 - strikethrough
! - there is strikethrough and this global works well with define style{2} !
! AC_bLabelFrame - label frame on/off 1 if the label frame is checked, 0 otherwise
! LABEL_ROTANGLE - rotation angle using by AC (this rotation is not from GDL)
! AC_TextAlignment_1 - text alignment for full table
! - 1 - left aligned, 2 - center aligned, 3 - right aligned, 4 - full justified
! AC_TextLeading_1 - line spacing factor
! AC_TextCharWidthFactor_1 - width factor
! AC_TextCharSpaceFactor_1 - spacing factor
! ==============================================================================

_angleParentDirection = 0
if not(_isPreview) then

call "label_marker_form" parameters AC_CustomReadability = AC_CustomReadability,
bAlwaysReadable = AC_bLabelAlwaysReadable,
bEnableHeadWithPointer = 1,

! Position
iReferencePoint = 5,
AC_LabelOrientation = AC_LabelOrientation,
bFlipLabel = bFlipLabel,
!bMirrorLabel = bMirrorLabel,
angleParentPosition = _angleParentDirection,

! Paragraph Format
bEnablePrefixColumn = 0,
bUsePrefixColumn = 0,
bWrapText = AC_bLabelTextWrap,
widthTextBoxContent_mm = widthTextBoxContent_mm,
xFirstIndentParagraph = 0,
xLeftIndentParagraph = 0,
xRightIndentParagraph = 0,
xTabPositionParagraph = 0,
widthFactorTextBlock = AC_TextCharWidthFactor_1,
charspaceFactorTextBlock = AC_TextCharSpaceFactor_1,
iFixedHeightTextBlock = 0, ! fixed_height 1: the placed TEXTBLOCK will be scale-independent and all specified length type parameters will mean millimeters, !
!0: the placed TEXTBLOCK will be scale-dependent and all specified length type parameters will mean meters in model space

! Head apperance
sContentStringsHead = _sContentStringsHead,
bEnableCustomHeaderStyle = 0,
penTextHeader = AC_TextPen_1,
fontTypeHeader = AC_TextFont_1,
sizeFontHeader_mm = AC_TextSize_1,
iTextStyle = AC_TextStyle_1,
iAlignmentHeader = AC_TextAlignment_1, ! 1: left aligned, 2: center aligned, 3: right aligned, 4: full justified
sizeLeadingHeader = AC_TextLeading_1,
widthTextBoxOffset = AC_LabelFrameOffset * _paperToModel,

! Body skin list appearance
bUseTextBoxOnLine = 0,

! Label Head Representation
bEnableHeadSwitch = 0, ! Enable to switch the Show Label Head ON-OFF
bShowHead = 1,
iShapeHead = iShapeHead,
bFitFrameToText = bFitFrameToText,
widthHead_mm = widthHead_mm,
heightHead_mm = heightHead_mm,
bLinkSizes = bLinkSizes,
bShowHeadContour = AC_bLabelFrame,
penHead = AC_LabelPointerPen,
lineTypeHead = AC_LabelPointerLineType,
bShowFill = 1,
penForeground = _AC_LabelTextBgrPen,
penBackground = _AC_LabelTextBgrPen,
bEnableSeparatorLine = _bEnableSeparatorLine,
bShowSeparatorLines = bShowSeparatorLines,

! Label Line Representation
distanceLabelHead_mm = distanceLabelHead_mm,
bEnableLeaderLine = 1,
bShowLeaderLine = bShowLeaderLine,
penLeaderLine = AC_LabelPointerPen,
linetypeLeaderLine = AC_LabelPointerLineType,
iLeaderLineStyle = iLeaderLineStyle,
thkLeaderLine_mm = thkLeaderLine_mm,
iExtensionLineStyle = iExtensionLineStyle,
lengthExtensionLine_mm = lengthExtensionLine_mm,
thkExtensionLine_mm = thkExtensionLine_mm,

bDebug = 0

del nTrans : nTrans = 0


! ==============================================================================
! ==============================================================================
dim propertyValues[]
m = request ("Property_Value_Of_Parent", _stPropertyID, _typeValue, dim1, dim2, propertyValues)

if m > 3 then
_stLengthFormat = ""
_stAreaFormat = ""
_stVolumeFormat = ""
_stAngleFormat = ""

m = request ("Calc_length_unit", "", _stLengthFormat)
m = request ("Calc_area_unit", "", _stAreaFormat)
m = request ("Calc_volume_unit", "", _stVolumeFormat)
m = request ("Calc_angle_unit", "", _stAngleFormat)

for j = 1 to vardim1(propertyValues)
if j > 1 then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + "; "

if _typeValue = PROPVAL_STRING then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + propertyValues[j]
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_REALNUM then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str ("%.2", propertyValues[j])
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_INT then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str ("%.0", propertyValues[j])
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_BOOL then
if propertyValues[j] > 0 then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + `TRUE`
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + `FALSE`
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_LENGTH then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str(_stLengthFormat, propertyValues[j])
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_AREA then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str(_stAreaFormat, propertyValues[j])
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_VOLUME then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str(_stVolumeFormat, propertyValues[j])
if _typeValue = PROPVAL_ANGLE then
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue + str(_stAngleFormat, propertyValues[j])
_stPropertyValue = _stPropertyValue ! Undefined Value Type
next j
_stPropertyValue = "---"


! ==============================================================================
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! input:
! i1stRowContent, i2ndRowContent, i3rdRowContent
! iIDPlacing
! _sSeparator
! iIDText
! input variable
! totalRotate
! _drawContent - 0 - calculating only, 1 - draw text
! output variable:
! _widthTextBlock, _heightTextBlock
! ==============================================================================

_nRowLabel = 0
dim tempsRowsOfLabel[]
tempsRowsOfLabel[1] = ""

call "label_content_macro" parameters all iSelectedContent = _iSelectedContent,
iUnitLocal = _iUnitLocal,
bUseInSingleRank = 0,

bUsePrefixColumn = 0,

bShowSuperScript = 1,
bShowUnit = 0,
bShow2D = 0,

iIDText = _iIDText,
sPrefixID = "",
sSuffixID = _sSuffixID,

sPrefixName = "",
sSuffixName = _sSuffixName,

sTextDataCustom = _stCustomText,

returned_parameters _nRowLabel, tempsRowsOfLabel

! making from one dimensioned array to two dimensioned
idx = 0
dim _sRowsOfLabel[][]
_sRowsOfLabel[1][1] = ""
for i = 1 to _nRowLabel
for j = 1 to 9 ! no need the full 48 cells, there is only one content by macrocalling (1 content need 9 cells)
_sRowsOfLabel[i][j] = tempsRowsOfLabel[idx + j]
next j
idx = idx + 48
next i

this would be super helpful for me too, I would love to know where to insert this script to make it function properly, thanks in advance.

Peter Baksa



This label behaves differently when pointer line is off:

horizontal wall + no pointer + horizontal orientation -> horizontal text

vertical wall + pointer + horizontal orientation -> horizontal text

Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest

Hi Peter, am i to understand that you had something to do with the scripting of this label?


If so, may i ask why on earth do ALL labels not have the options for readable/horizontal, etc. consistency across the board.


We have to rotate a view by 90 degrees, the grids and everything else have horizontal text, but not this label, so now we have to redo a whole bunch of work, just because someone omitted the checkbox for horizontal text, or spend all our valuable time programming something in that should already be there, and already be an obvious end-user need. 


Do you understand what a witch hunt it becomes just to choose a relevant label with all this unspoken/undocumented behavior built into them?


Is the end user never considered when these things are written? Is there no checklist of what the end-user needs that EVERY element(label, wall, etc..) needs to be check against to ensure end-user satisfaction? Or are we to just carry on having to find needles in the haystacks when it comes to each and every option / workflow / element in archicad???



Apologies, this rant is necessarily directed at you. Thank you for being active on the forum.

Help me fix the Publisher, review and upvote my wish if you agree (otherwise ill never get back the time spent writing out the wish)

Win11 AC28 3001 NZE FULL
Dell G15 Laptop: i7-12700h, RTX 3060, 64GB DDR5
Thunderbolt 4 to 2 screens, HDMI to a 3rd screen. Laptop lid remains closed.
3dconnexion mouse and keyboard