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Degenerated Polygons

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Age old problem: "Polygon is degenerated at line 135 in the 3D script of the file da_door_fl_10.gsm"

This particular file is in AC12. I don't know if that matters, it is an old file and I don't want to upgrade it to AC15 (unless that would solve the problem). I have similar issues w/ my AC15 projects.

I know all about trying to find the door by marquee areas and hitting F5 ("Show Selection/Marquee in 3d"). However it isn't consistent. Sometimes it will come up with an error. The next time it won't. you can never tell if you've fixed anything.

I get the error to show up by isolating an elevation marker on an individual door. When I marquee and isolate the door, no error message. I find nothing wrong with the door. Try the same elevation marker again and no error message.

The name of the file seems to indicate it is from an AC10 library, but I have none on the project.

I've spent hours playing this game with no luck.

There has to a better way to find errant items, identify the errors and fix them. What am I missing? Why are we given all this info in the error message without providing a way to address this info?: "line 135 in the 3D script of the file da_door_fl_10.gsm" What does that mean?

Thanks for any help.
While I cannot fix your issue I can give you some additional knowledge that might help. Most likely you have made some setting to the door that caused one of it portions of the script to not make sense. For instance, if you wanted your trim to be 3/4" on an inch thick but have a zero width. If the parts isn't provided with sufficient error checking, such a setting would cause this error.

If you know GDL, the error message is telling you where to go (at least possibly) to fix things. To do this, you would open "da_door_fl_10" which looks like a macro, go to the designated line in the 3D script and see what is happening at that point. This could give you a clue to what setting is causing the issue. I tried to look for you but this does not appear to be part of ArchiCAD 12. Perhaps the project was migrated from version 10? Or are you using door from somewhere else?

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
Not applicable
Thanks. I really appreciate your looking into it. I am aware of the door setting issues. The problem is finding the doors it is referring to.

This project has been freezing so I am guessing these errors may be contributing.

I am afraid I haven't 'fallen into GDL'. Maybe it's my only hope. I am disappointed that we are required to get that deep to solve such a common problem.

The project does not have an AC10 library. It has an AC11 Migration Library and an AC12 Library. So I don't understand how I could have a have an AC10 library part.
David Maudlin
Kevan wrote:
The project does not have an AC10 library. It has an AC11 Migration Library and an AC12 Library. So I don't understand how I could have a have an AC10 library part.
The macro is in the AC11 Migration Library (ArchiCAD Library USA/Object Library 11/MACROS 11/D-W Macros 11/D-W Accessories 11/Door Accessories 11). On a quick read, it appears to be for part of the door frame, so if you can isolate the door, check the frame parameters for a zero value as Erich said. You could try setting the preview of the door to one of the 3D views so the error appears in the dialog box as you change parameters.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14