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Door Marker Creation

Not applicable
Hi all!

I've been trying to create a new door marker, or alter an existing one, but haven't had much luck so far. Basically, I'm looking to create a door marker that shows two lines of text (I've searched the boards, and have found some, but haven't beena able to get those to work). The first line of text should be the Door ID number, or a Door Type. The second line should be separated by a line, and that number should show the Door Hardware. I'd even settle for having a second line of custom text that will show there. Can anyone help?

OK, let's make sure we're at the same spot. I just realized that when I copy/pasted the code, I missed a line change that's important: I altered the "ADD2" line's command and location and cleaned up the decimals a bit. That line actually moves the Marker by locX, locY. (welcome to the wonderful world of de-bugging code!)

I'm getting the same problem: The marker looks right and has the hotspot, acts like it will move (gives the Stretch pop-up menu), then does not. actually move.
unID = 1

HOTSPOT2      locX, 0,       unID, locY, 1+128 : unID = unID +1
HOTSPOT2      locX, -1,       unID, locY, 3: unID = unID +1
HOTSPOT2      locX, locY,    unID, locY, 2: unID = unID +1

HOTSPOT2      0, locY,       unID, locX, 1+128: unID = unID +1
HOTSPOT2      -1, locY,       unID, locX, 3: unID = unID +1
HOTSPOT2      locX, locY,   unID, locX, 2: unID = unID +1

ADD2 locX, locY



HOTSPOT2 -1/8", 0
HOTSPOT2 0, 1/8"
HOTSPOT2 0, -1/8"
HOTSPOT2 1/8", 0

LINE2 	-1/8", 0, 1/8", 0
CIRCLE2 	0, 0, 1/8"

DEFINE STYLE "AC_STYLE_1" "GraphMM_374 RG 523 NO", 3'-1", 5, 0

TEXT2 0,0.05", AC_WIDO_ID 

HardWareText = ""
xx = REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE", "gs_list_hwsetno", pIndex, typeVar, flags, dim1, dim2, HardWareText)
TEXT2 0, -0.05", HardWareText 
I'll have to think on this one...
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
That did the trick! I had the ADD2 locX, locY after the MUL2 line. Once I moved it, everything worked!

Thanks for all your help!!

I'm going to need this coding stuff another look...I'll probably try some other stuff on my own, and see how far I get.

Thanks again!
SwissHokie wrote:
That did the trick! I had the ADD2 locX, locY after the MUL2 line. Once I moved it, everything worked!

Thanks for all your help!!

I'm going to need this coding stuff another look...I'll probably try some other stuff on my own, and see how far I get.

Thanks again!
Glad I could help.

One thing you should do (in the name of neatness and sanity) is go to your parameter list, select each parameter, then click the X next to it to hide it. If you are not using a parameter, it's a good idea to hide them (so no one tries to use it!)

If you want, you could try adding a parameter to the Marker to override the hardware text using an IF/THEN statement...
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
That's a good idea, I will do that. We're trying to make things easier to fill in for everyone, so if various parameters aren't showing, it'll make it even easier.

I'm going to try to replace the AC_WIDO_ID with the Type in the parameter list. I figured I'd use similar language as was used with the Hardware text. Hopefully it'll all work out!
Be careful.... once you see what you can do with GDL, it's pretty addictive!
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
Why don't you post the marker you create in the forum?
It may be useful to other user too!!!
Well, the code and instructions are all here...

You can give a man a fish or you can teach him to fish....
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
Do i have to re-invent the wheel
About fishing i ensure you ,no need to teach ,me i am pretty good at it
miker wrote:
About fishing i ensure you ,no need to teach ,me i am pretty good at it
Good. That means you have that skill covered and can work on your scripting skills 🙂
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
I mean real fishing (the fish is my achievement)
About script "fishing" ,i am not so good as real fishing and i may need a teacher