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Door and winjdows missing in 2D

Not applicable
I need help understanding why when I place windows and doors they do not show up in 2D floor plan but when viewed as an elevation and or 3D they appear in there correct location. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you from Southern Cal.
Not applicable
I am using student version Archicad 14. I have had success installing doors and windows and all of sudden they no longer show up on floor plan and only show up in 3D or in elevation. Any help to correct this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you from Southern Cal.
Welcome to the forum.

You should post your specs in your signature (see mine) as many answers depend on which version of ArchiCAD you are running or sometimes your operating system.


Check to see if the doors and windows are on the correct story.

Check to see if the settings for your view have the doors and windows turned off.

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
Not applicable
Document > Set model view > Model view options

Check under window options that it is not set to "Hide on floor plan"

You may also have a different model view assigned to each view in the view map.

You can check this via quick options palette or right clicking the view and selecting view settings.