2007-03-31 10:42 AM
2007-03-31 05:35 PM
2007-03-31 06:02 PM
2007-03-31 08:22 PM
Matthew wrote:There is good ability to use ID string variable. (shortcut input)
The only limitation is that you will have to work in the settings dialog since there is no live text in a library part symbol.
Matthew wrote:As I know the "Custom user interface" also buried in the Settings dialog...
You could use the custom user interface script to create an interactive calculator though. That could be pretty handy.
2007-03-31 10:44 PM
There is good ability to use ID string variable. (shortcut input)with limitation of 11 chars.
Is there a way to 'bring to front ' some parameters of a GDL object in INFO BOX?No.
2007-04-01 07:37 AM
F. wrote:DOS time has gone!
with limitation of 11 chars.Not much.
2007-04-01 02:04 PM
2007-04-03 12:12 AM
F. wrote:It's 15 characters. (At least in the US version, I assume it's the same elsewhere.) I always figured it was a way of keeping file sizes and memory demands down back when 80MB was a large hard drive, 8MB of RAM was the most you could cram into a Mac (and PC's were still struggling with the 640K limit), and the "wicked fast" Mac IIfx ran at 40MHz. Since every element has an ID it was probably significant back then.There is good ability to use ID string variable. (shortcut input)with limitation of 11 chars.Not much.
2007-04-03 12:46 AM
Matthew wrote:I was to lazy to look at www.selfgdl.com
It's 15 characters.
Matthew wrote:Just a tiny field of 200x150 pixels in the info palette programmable like the UI ... and GS would see magic.
I do use the GLOB_ID extensively for the little bit of direct input it provides. It is stunning to think of all that we could do with live text fields in the symbols (even with a 255 character limit).
2007-05-05 03:33 PM