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Favorite Converter Tool - AC28


I'm having problems with the tool to convert favorites, is there any tutorial?

Since the link in question is not directed!!!!


convert_tool - favorite.jpg




Operating system used: Windows 11

|| JLopes ||
AC28 Port |
AC26 Port | Ryzen 9 5900x | RTX3080 | Win

Hi @ryejuan ,


Just to be on the safe side I've attached the manual here too to show the recommended workflow.

Since you choose to rebuild your project you may find this video from Central Innovation useful:


Best regards,



@Magdolna Marosvari thanks for the link its really helpful. Just one question how come Graphisoft didn't gave users the same tool that CI have?

In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards

Setup info provided by author