Hello Alexei,
There must be a file called Master.GDL at the root level of Your
object library. Master can be saved from ArchiCAD's Special menu;
Save GDL… -> Master GDL
This saves only a short master, You can extend it with line types, fills and materials, these can be saved from the special menu also. Just drop
them to the end of the Master.GDL with any text editor. These extra types
can be called as a macro too, for example;
CALL "Master_GDL_mymaterials1"
CALL "Master_GDL_mymaterials2"
CALL "Master_GDL_mymaterials3"
I attach a short Master.GDL zipped, hope it helps.
The special menu can be activated by pressing ctrl on PC or alt on MAC when starting ArchiCAD. (Keys can also be vice versa- I always hit both
on MAC to make it sure
