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Global settings for MVO

Frank Beister
AC 13 allows to create individual settings dialogs in the MVOs. These settings can be requested by all objects, which "know" the name of the dialog macro and of the parameter name. This is very helpful to do general changes.

But there is no limit how much settings dialogs are loaded in your library. And all will be part of the MVOs regardless, if objects use it or not. Worst case every object comes with its own settings dialog and it will become pain to dig through all sections of the MVOs.

So I have written an MVO settings object, which I offer for free and which can be used and shipped with own objects. You can download a beta/actual version here: OpenLibraryGlobals.

It is not open source to keep it in one (!) development-fork. It will be downloadable only from my page. I will regard wishes for new settings parameters. Updates of the OpenLibraryGlobals-object will not collide with objects, which use an older version.

The idea is to use one settings dialog for objects of different developers. If developers use this object for their own objects, I will add a www-link in the info dialog of the settings dialog. The unmodified OpenLibraryGlobals-object itself can be shipped with your own objects.

I will later provide code snippets you can implement in own objects to request the global settings. You have not to care to program an additional MVO-object for your own projects. Just add the OpenLibraryGlobals to your library and the requesting lines into your GDL-code.

Prior you are asking for setting parameters I should add: All setting parameters are useless, if objects do not request it.


Now my question:
I do need some help in translation and for two value lists for two parameters. I implemented one parameters to set the "planing context" and the "type of MVO".

This information can be used for objects to show different information or for automatic text in labels, zone stamps, layout or markers. (e.g. a shelf inside a closed cabinet has only to be created in a section context)

This list is depending of usage and loacalisation. There is a big difference between Germany an Austria yet. So I need help for UK / USA / AUS / NZ.

We can discuss it here or you send me an eMail.

My raw translated list shows you my intention.


"not assigned"
" abandonment"
"Plan of execution"
"Basic design"
"Facility Management"
"Project development"
"Preliminary design"

Plan type:

"not assigned"
"Floor plan (materials)"
"Ceiling plan"
"Facade section"
"Plan of Design"
"Floor plan"
"Interior view"
"Plan of site"
"Inspection plan"
"Plan for contract"

Thanks for help.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Frank Beister
Pertti wrote:
Does somebody know if it is possible to use an array as a libraryglobal?
Does anyone know if or how? I tried it by, but it didn't work in this way:
!»» Fontnames out of MVO
DIM OLG_fontnames[]
stsOLG=LIBRARYGLOBAL("OpenLibraryGlobals", "ef_fontnames", OLG_fontnames)
IF stsOLG>0 AND VARDIM1(OLG_fontames)>0 THEN VALUES "Zeichensatz" OLG_fontnames,CUSTOM
ef_fontnames is a string array in OpenLibraryGlobals.GSM
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Frank Beister
Global settings for windows:

I have added a little howto and a LCF container on OLG project page for modifying windows to make them interact with MVO/OpenLibraryGlobals settings for window materials.

You can change after modification window materials by one click (change MVO-set) in 3D. This shoots IS-functionality for these materials a bit, but helps in design process a lot.

If the substitution macros should be extended to other window materials, please send me an Email.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Not applicable
F. wrote:
Pertti wrote:
Does somebody know if it is possible to use an array as a libraryglobal?
Does anyone know if or how? I tried it by, but it didn't work in this way:
!»» Fontnames out of MVO
DIM OLG_fontnames[]
stsOLG=LIBRARYGLOBAL("OpenLibraryGlobals", "ef_fontnames", OLG_fontnames)
IF stsOLG>0 AND VARDIM1(OLG_fontames)>0 THEN VALUES "Zeichensatz" OLG_fontnames,CUSTOM
ef_fontnames is a string array in OpenLibraryGlobals.GSM
Yes you can! I've been struggling with this for a while but now i got it!

You have to request the whole array to the object and then choose the right value from it like this:

DIM local_array[numberofcells]
dummy = LIBRARYGLOBAL("yourlibraryglobal.gsm", "name_of_array", local_array)
your_variable = local_array[desired_cell]
This DOESN'T seem to work (which is stupid...):

dummy = LIBRARYGLOBAL("yourlibraryglobal.gsm", "name_of_array[desired_cell]", your_variable)