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How to apply window parameters WITHOUT changing window sizes

So...I have this architect. he's (ahem) very particular about certain parameters of his windows and doors.

I know there's a way thru various key strokes in certain object parameter dialogue boxes to "siringe (copy) and inject (paste)" ONLY those parameters that affect the sill, sash, thickness, etc...without changing the SIZE of the windows nor the window type.......

What I need is a global command adjustment to windows which will ajust certain parameters (AND NOT BE A FAVORITE) where I can inject those parameters into other window types...i.e. fixed, casement, transom, slider, hoppers...etc...

How do I accomplish this feat?
Below are the parameters I'm looking to adjust globally no matter "what" window type it is...

...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
rob2218 wrote:
So...I have this architect. he's (ahem) very particular about certain parameters of his windows and doors.
That's kind of redundant. Architect = particular. 🙂

You cannot selectively inject certain parameters. But, you can select all of the windows and modify a common parameter and that change will affect all of the windows (or whatever object) for just the modified parameter.

So, view your model in 3D so that all windows are available for selection. Select all. (Window tool - ctrl/cmd-A or Edit > Select All). Ctr/cmd-T to bring up the settings. If they are all standard library parts (not a mix of GS and Cadimage, for example) - then modifying the casing settings should modify those settings for all of thm.

At least it used to work. Save your file before trying. 😉
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
yeah...."particular" is an understatement. you don't know this guy.
very talented....has been drawing ALL his designs of large custom homes by hand for over 25 years and well........some of the requests I get ARE valid but some are....a bit over the top. He's a good guy....just gets nutty at certain issues which cause MAJOR air brakes to occur on a forward moving production momentum such as "said" micro-minusia window parameters......amongst others.

But all in all he's fine. Fair fellow.....cept when he gets bonkers on these mundane requests....then there's no convincing him WHY the documents aren't getting done fast enough. I'm sure you all have seen the type.

One of these days I'm gonna start a blog called "Mental Case Supervisors of Architecture"........and make millions.

Anyhow...........I guess I can't fullfill the dudes request cause doing the "select all" doesn't help.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
rob2218 wrote:
cause doing the "select all" doesn't help.
This time I tested it vs just writing... and it works perfectly. Not sure what you might be doing wrong, other than having 3rd party doors or windows selected... or selected doors AND windows at the same time, etc.

I changed casing widths and all changed just fine globally in the 3D window.
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Thanks sir.
I'll have to try it again.

On another note....trying to see if I can change the window depth. I need to make window jambs NOT be as wide as walls.
Is there anyway I can make that work?
I've posted another thread on the subject.

That same particular architect wants to see windows inset 3/4" from the interior wall faces of the exterior walls.....anyway that can be accomplished?
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS