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Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Label that reads any parameter on an object

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I've recently started working with Archicad (17) and I've come across a problem. At my workplace, we need to be able to display quite a lot of information on the drawing in 2D, information that is contained within objects. In Archicad I have only found the standard labeler that only displays the ID of the object and that it can only display 1 label per object.

For example I may need to show on the drawing that this object is a SINK and I would maybe also display that this object will have liquids and gases connected to it. For example I would have small texts saying
BL, KV, TL (Swedish so don't mind the letters). This is information that I store in the object and it would be very handy to have a label that could simply read from a chosen parameter.

So I'm looking for someone out there that knows alot about GDL, I've only had 1 days worth of a course on it and I'm very limited on the basics of it.

What I need is:
* Text label that reads 1 row of a parameter that is conatined within the selected object.
* Label can be moved and rotated manually
It is managable to say that for example a parameter-row that I've named Liquids1 can have it's own label connected to it so that I would have say a list of 20 different labels connected to a certain parameter.

What I'd like to be able to do:
* I select the textlabel, connect it to my object. Get a dropdown list of all the usermade parameters that I can just choose from. (So I only need 1 GDL object)
* Within the labeltool, change size and font of the text.
* That I can lock in this text to the object so when I move or rotate the object the labeltext will stick with it.

Anyone out there that has a solid idea how to atleast start this up and get it going?
Not applicable
Thanks for your replies,

Indeed I'm looking for independant hotspots for each text element within a single object.

I don't quite understand what you mean sinceV6. You mean that I wouldn't quite have hotspots but instead I would type in the coordinates where I want the text?

Not quite. Look into arrays in the documentation. Think of arrays as a spreadsheet. A single parameter that holds rows and columns of data, coordinates in your case. To make a parameter an array, use the button to the right where you select the type of parameter.

You will link the hotspot's functionality to the data in the array. Say, the first hotspot would read, for X, row1-column1, and for Y, row1-column2; second hotspot for X reads row2-column1 and for Y row2-column2, and so on.

Once that's done, moving the editable hotspots will use/update the coordinates stored in the array, and will give you independent hotspots with a single parameter.

Hope that makes sense a bit.
v6.... Thank You!

Been looking for this as I was unable to get initial attempts to work..

Followed your instructions (with some years of GDLing under my belt)...

Worked like a charm... perhaps I ran into Piotr's issue (missing "") previously..

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You are welcome.

I'm glad you found it useful.


I know this is an old thread, but I have spent 3 days trying to figure out how to do this, and then I read through your post and got it going in a couple of minutes. Thank you!

I'm really glad something I wrote a long time ago is still useful. I think more recent AC versions have streamlined this workflow to use properties, as it is now easier with those.

Best regards.