Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Library (3ds and rpc)

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Apologies if it turns out to be a FAQ.

Is it possible to use .3ds and .rpc object files within AC10?
If yes, how?
If not, why not?


P.S. Revit can use .rpc object files.
jdk wrote:
All I want to know, at this point, is whether the company is committed to move forward, so that I can make a long term investment and have a dialogue on problems while they are solved. If the company is sleeping, and all I get is the blood of its existing customers spelt on my face, then no, sorry, I will not make this investment. Are we speaking the same language now? You may call this "high-flying", I call it business sense.
Yep, same page.

The right person to pester is your reseller as the first and Graphisoft wherweveyouare second - meaning the regional/local distributor.

As for the Graphisoft reactions around here, it is up to them. They might be busy making Archicad 11, 12, 13, or whatever is the next one?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
"Excuse me, is your bread good?", asks the man to the bread maker. "Of course Sir, I have been doing it for 15 years, I know how to make it." The man visits the neighbouring maker. "Excuse me, is your bread good?", asks to the maker. "Of course Sir, I opened last year, but I have awards stating the quality of my product." The man visits the n-th maker. "Excuse me, is your bread good?", asks to the maker. "Of course Sir. Try it. The worst thing it can happen is, that you will not purchase again from me, and if you get sick, the doctor is right across the street."

I am looking for a bread maker that, in addition to experience and awards, he also knows the value of customer feedback enough to make what they ask for. It is the difference from the average bread maker, and the one with an edge. Asking to the reseller down the road is a very bad thing to do, which I leave to you, for your daily shopping.
Not applicable