Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Library Loading Report - Selecting Objects

Not applicable
I am currently updating office templates to 21. While doing this I am also trying to clean up the libraries as this had not been done by anyone in the past (there are migration libraries as far back as ArchiCAD 16).

When the library report is displayed as a project is started, is there a way to select the objects from the list much like you can do from a schedule? The BIM is very full with worksheets, details, etc. and I'd rather not have to click through every item in the Project Map in order to find the objects causing issues.

Any suggestions? My next course of action, if nobody has a better idea, is to create a schedule to populate any items that are NOT in the current 21 library.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.