2005-03-29 09:57 PM
2005-04-05 02:30 AM
2005-05-10 01:38 AM
rgarand wrote:I'm not sure I understand your issue completely (and I know you've solved it already) but t seems that the "Room Identifier_NCS"would do the trick right out of the box. It's included with AC 9 and can be accessed by changing the Stamp in Options / Attribute settings / Zone Categories.
Hello all,
We are pulling out our hair here trying to fumble through customizing our Zone Stamp. We like the Zone Identifier 2 and have been able to manipulate the variables we want to see in our Room Finish Schedules/Info Box. Our problem is that we do not want the Frame box to size according to the Zone Name. We would like it to size according to the width of the Room Number/Room Area etc.