The new ,,macOS friendly" navigation in AC22 result in conflict: when using a Magic Mouse/touchpad the default setting is set to "Pan; Alt/Option to Zoom (macOS recommended)". So with this setting, anytime I move the drawing and zoom while copying/rotating an object, each zoom results in toggling the "copy mode". This is extremely annoying, as it can happen in accidental copies, which makes proper modelling a pain.
How to reproduce:
1. Under Work Environment/User Preference Schemes/Input constraints and guides set the mouse wheel scrolling as follows:
2. Go to any view (e.g. floor plan, section, elevation, 3D, doesn't matter really) and place a piece of wall/line/fill/etc.
3. Press Cmd+D to move it, then zoom out (as is the plan was huge, and it is faster to locate to new position this way), pan, and zoom in, possibly multiple times as you would do when adjusting a view.
4. Notice the appearing/disappearing "+" icon next to the cursor.
I know it's not possible to customize these (otherwise very handy) shortcuts – pressing option or cmd+opt (alt or ctrl+alt) when dragging/rotating to move a single copy or as many as wanted, but this way drafting requires extra attention.
I really love the newborn smoothness of the 2D navigation, especially when working with a touchpad, but can something be done to resolve this conflict? Like assigning a different shortcut for duplicating feature, or making the non-customizable ones customizable.
odv.hu | actively using: AC25-27 INT | Rhino6-8 | macOS @ apple silicon / win10 x64