I am making a small house, with two floors. It has two variants. One is bigger twice, other is smaller.
So I decided to make 2 layers:
1 one is for larger objects (longer walls, more columns, more axes, longer roofs etc)
2 is for smaller objects.
for version 1 I made a so-called layer "maximum".
for version 2 I made a layer "minimum"
So, longer walls go into variant "maxi". Smaller walls go into variant "mini.
And there is bug! When I select a wall in 2d which is "maxi" variant, and press F5 for simple visualization - it is not visible! Thought its layer (layer of selected wall in 2d) visibility is turned on!
Well, so I have to use "modules"... "-( I usually don't like it. because it slows down everything. It's better to make normal layers work. Make layers really work! especially in 3d! Please...
One version of file will be "maxi" variant. Second file will be "mini" variant. But this makes additional problem - addition space on HDD etc... waste time on reopening two versions when needed...
Please, fix this!
thanks in advance, and may ALL Gods bless you everyone, Archicad developers 🙂 (and everyone in general also) 😉