I'm nearly finished building my GDL object, and to finish it off I want to output information about the object to a txt. file eg: length, description of individual parts in the object, their quantity, so i can send this to Access to work out a final price of the job. The script works fine for one GDL object but if I add another one the initial information sent to the txt file is overwritten by the next object.
How do I rescript it so that this wont happen, at the minute I am exporting individual files to Access when instead it would be easier and quicker to just send 1.
This is part my script:
Executive script:
IF outdat THEN GOSUB 900: !File I/O
900: ! File OUTPUT Routine
!Write Costings Access Report File
ch1= OPEN("TEXT", acost+".txt","SEPARATOR='\t',MODE=WO")
OUTPUT ch1, 1,0, "Description","Qty","Length","Type","Qty per Length","Cost/Unit","Cost","Weight (kg/m)","Weight/Unit (kg)","Total Weight (kg)"
OUTPUT ch1, 1,0, "Ball",nosections," ",ball*1000," ",F1,F1*(nosections),spherew,spherew,spherew*nosections
Close ch1
In parameters I tpye in the what name I want to call the file and this is related to: acost