You could make a 2d object with parameters that looks like a label and schedule that, provided the views it is on can be scheduled (some like layouts cannot be scheduled).
Ok, thank you so much. But if I assign a label to an archiCad element, I can read almost all the information I need from that element, for example If I assign a label to a wall. I can have the width of the wall, height of the wall.
If i create a 2d object, I can't have all of this kind of information.
I can't have link between a column and a 2d object, if that make sense to you.
If you assign a label to an ArchiCad element, you can use any parameters from the label in the schedule as long as the archiCad element is included on the scheme settings schedule criteria.
I've included the label on the scheme settings criteria, and doesn't work.
When I say criteria i mean:
For example
The ArchiCad element should be on that [layer/story/etc.] from the scheme settings criteria, not the label assigned on that element.