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Reinforcement objects request


Hi there, does anyone have reinforcement objects? 

I am looking for parametric rebars, reinforcement meshes, stirrups, etc. made by users so we could start a depository and maybe make them better.


Thanks to anyone that will participate!


I'm currently working on some now for personal use.

My only issue now is to compile add-ons with Cmake, I find like there are huge gaps on the documentation which I have not been able to surpass. I used to be able in the past with the Xcode add-on. That, so I can grab column info and transfer to my GDL rebar.

Allplan's plugins were not that "adapted" to my needs and I can still code documentation and bending plans through scripts,  this way I can quantize and make automatic schedules with all foundation blocks and some columns already with AC schedule itself (using conditionals that will only show bending details within the schedule or through OVM).

Captura de Tela 2023-02-26 às 16.06.18.png

Archicad User Since 2013
GDL Developer
Experimenting with API
from Brazil