Can anyone explain to me why I am getting the strange conversion number (highlighted) in my GDL to get a part to display correctly?
FOR i=0 TO thrdlen*tpi*39.4-1
POLY2_B 7, 3, 6, 91,
shnk/2-H, 0, 1,
-shnk/2+H, -yht, 1,
-shnk/2, -yht-P/2, 1,
-shnk/2+H, -yht-P, 1,
shnk/2-H, -P, 1,
shnk/2, -P/2, 1,
shnk/2-H, 0, 1
ADD2 0, -P
I arrived at this number by measuring the distance the loops was to cover versus the distance it actually did without the conversion. I would understand if it were 25.4 or some similar conversion number, but 39.4 doesn't match anything I would expect. BTW there are no MUL statements or anything similar in the coding.
Can anyone enlighten me?
AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K