Hey Tom, Thanks for responding. I make reference to Subsets. I think I'm clear on sub-types.
For example, I don't understand the difference between the AC65 Subset online at GSTR. If it is an incomplete or reduced set of objects, how would it help me? Wouldn't I really want a complete 65 library converted for use in 9 complete with new GUIDs and assignment of subtypes?
For example. Why didn't Wheelchair Guy make the cut from version 7 to 9.
Should he be part of a subset? Do I have to create this subset myself? To use him I am loading a converted version of the entire 7.0 library. He doesn't show up in the subsets I downloaded.
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 28 / USA AC27-6010 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 15.2