2D-Simbol has two variables, "LLength" and "LRadius".
Variable "LLength" depends on a variable "LRadius" and can have three values: LLength = 2*LRadius or 4*LRadius or 6*LRadius.
Library parts on the plan are placed some. At them different values "LLength". We should select all library parts and to change at them value of "LRadius". After change value of "LRadius" at all library parts turns out identical value "LLength". This value is accepted as at a library part which was edited by last, or can be casual.
Probably someone knows as to avoid this lack. I shall be grateful for the help.
Script of an 2D-Simbol:
Variables of type "Length":
Parameters script:
VALUES "LLength" 2*LRadius, 4*LRadius, 6*LRadius
CIRCLE2 0, 0, LRadius
LINE2 0, LRadius, 0, LLength
HOTSPOT2 0, 0, 1, LLength, 1
HOTSPOT2 0, LLength, 2, LLength, 2
HOTSPOT2 0, -1, 3, LLength, 3
It only a part of the big script. That part with which I have a problem.