Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

US electric symbols library

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I'm a new user and am trying to find the US electric symbols library. I see the european electric symbols. Is there a US electric symbols library with switch and outlet symbols

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Try the ones in \Goodies\NCS for ArchiCAD\Symbol Library NCS\Identitiy Symbols NCS\Electrical NCS

These should be the ones you're looking for.

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O.K. Now that I know where they are, how do I put them into my drawing? I can't find anywhere in the literature about inserting this information. Do I do it as a label? I tried to load this as a label, but it seemed to be the wrong format. I tried to load this as an object, but that's the wrong format. I'm sure it's something very simple that I'm overlooking.

Thanks for your help.
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
archanom wrote:
O.K. Now that I know where they are, how do I put them into my drawing?
Hello Oregonanymous (Lori?)

Any library part must be loaded in order to use it - in File | Library Manager - browse to the folder that Eric mentioned and load it as part of your project. Then, double click the object tool (chair icon) and select the particular symbol that you want.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Not applicable
Thanks Karl. Obviously, I'm still new to Archicad, but enjoying the software. It's a huge improvement over Autocad.

Not applicable
I don't seem to have this folder: \Goodies\NCS for ArchiCAD\Symbol Library NCS\Identitiy Symbols NCS\Electrical NCS

Should it be in Applications/GRAPHISOFT?


Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
Welcome to the forum, Mark. Your question cannot be answered well without knowing which version of AC you are running. You're looking at information from a 12-year old thread.

As a new user, please click on the text link "Profile" near the top of the screen (to the left of Log Out) and fill in your version and machine info.
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

Hi, I am also looking for a US electric symbols library. I am running ArchiCAD 26 on Windows.

