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Window and Door openings through walls

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I've got a project in which I am not using composites for the exterior walls. The walls are comprised of:

3 5/8" Brick Veneer
1" Air Space
0.5" Plywood sheathing
2x6" Studs
0.5" Gypsum board

This gives me a total of 11 1/8" wall thickness. My problem is that I cannot get the window opening to project through the necessary walls materials. If I place the window on the brick veneer and increase the reveal depth the window shows properly on the interior and the opening is cut in the veneer. However, the window opening is NOT cut through the sheathing and the air space wall objects as you can see below.

If I place the window on the stud wall then no hole is cut in the sheathing, air space, or brick veneer, as expected. The result being that the window is not visible in 3d or on elevations. I have also tried SEOs only to realize that the window and door objects are not valid target or operator elements and cannot be used.

So my question is, how does one make the window opening protrude through multiple wall items when not using a composite? I realize that I am probably missing some simple solution or standard method of working in this situation but I am rather stumped at the moment. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

(note: Before someone points it out, I realize the Air Space item is on the layer A-GLAZ-FULL in the included image, that was an accidental click and I have returned it to the proper layer. )
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ares997 wrote:
So the question I have is if you have an empty opening and a window behind how do you get it to show the window through the empty opening. I have the transparency on in the settings and would think that transparency means you can see through something, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
The empty opening should be just that (empty) and not obstruct the view of anything. I don't understand the problem. Perhaps a picture would help.
I don't know if this portray's the problem I am having clearly.

Though if you just create two walls one with a window and another with an empty opening on the inside of the window then magic wand an interior elevation and open all the interior elevations the window on the other side of the empty opening doesn't show in the interior elevations.

Does that make sense?
Archicad 25 (5005), Windows 11, AMD RYZEN 7 3900 (64 GB RAM)
Moderator Emeritus
I don't see why do you have to use two walls. A Composite or Custom profile would suit your purpose better, I believe?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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Are you saying that there are empty openings in the thick walls on the left and right aligned with the openings in the tile?

I would say Djordje is right. Easier to make a composite or profiled wall.
Can you post a screen grab or snapshot of the image to explain this a bit further?
It will be easier to understand the problem.
jacek lisiewicz
arkhos-tekton, architects
carmichael, ca

Mac OS X 10.15.5
IMac Retina 5K, Intel Core I7
32 GIG Memory, AMD Radeon R9
ArchiCAD 24
The post of the shot was below.

The concern that I have is you are trying to be lazy or quick then you have a wall that wasn't properly designed you have to go back and replace it with a composite?

Just thinking about it maybe if I use a boolean operation and join them together it will have to consider it one without creating a complex profile...

let me try....hold please....

Nope I can't get the two walls that are parallel and touching to become one wall with a boolean operation.

This is an attempt to find a work around for modeling over or around information without duplicating efforts. If someone roughs in a wall that isn't to specifications I want to just add the "tile" other surface material that would just be on the interior elevation and maybe enlarged plans but isn't required necessarily to be installed in the model at first.

Is this making sense?
Archicad 25 (5005), Windows 11, AMD RYZEN 7 3900 (64 GB RAM)