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current story and height dependent objects

Frank Beister
I have discussed the following problem with the german hotline, but got the reply (sent from Budapest) that its a feature. But I still think, that its a bug. This post is to check, who's wrong.

OK. The problem:

If you use transparent storys, the objects, visible in the transparent story, are new calculated for their appearance in the current story. For this they get the current story information of the current (not of the transparent) story. Sounds logic and a bit silly to think its wrong, I know. But this results in a wrong (different) display of the content of the transparent story.

I have a column, which is only visible, if its position in 3D (from-to) is in anyway part of my current story. I place the object in ground floor and make it visible over all stories. Its hight makes it visible up to the 2nd floor. In the 3rd floor its nothing than a hotspot. If I set the transparent story visible and choose the 1nd floor, the column will not be visible (because the gdl ist run with the current-story information of the 3rd floor), but it is (correctly), when I switch to the story directly.

Checked with AC7AE an AC8v3.

Here is a plan-file which shows the problem by listing the story-parameters.

bug or feature - that's the question.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
Frank Beister
Because it seems like some do not understand, what I am talking about, I have added a graphical example to the project. The updated version you can download below.

The new object is a symbol for a vertical duct, which, depending of its global position gets a different 2d-line-type or is invisible at all.

The object is invisible, if the duct isn't part of the current story.
The object has a continious (=symbol-settings) line, if the duct is cut by a 1m height above the current story.
If the object is only above this height, the line is doted, if it reaches not up to 1m it is a dashed line.

If switch in the example project to the second story and have a look to the story 0 as ghost story, you will not see the symbol. And this is IMHO a bug.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
if i'm understanding you correctly: bug

i'm getting it with a multi story escalator library part, but hadn't had a chance to investigate whether it was in the scripting of the object or in archiCAD . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Frank Beister
I just got a mail from our support, that the programmers have now inserted it into the upper range of the buglist. Thanks to Munich.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
It took me a while to get my head around it!!! but definitely a BUG!
yes I can see the logic of programmers but this one was well hidden, good work mate!
Not applicable
Congratulations Frank.
In the early part of march when you posted
this issue on GDL TALK you said that you couldn't
get GS to agree that it was a bug.
On that forum after some discussion most agreed it was a bug.
I wonder how you brought them around.
Not applicable
Peter wrote:
Congratulations Frank.
In the early part of march when you posted
this issue on GDL TALK you said that you couldn't
get GS to agree that it was a bug.
On that forum after some discussion most agreed it was a bug.
I wonder how you brought them around.
Perhaps because every user who commented on the issue agreed that it was a bug. It certainly made no sense to me. Alternatively I suppose it could be considered a feature that did something no one wanted.
Perhaps because every user who commented on the issue agreed that it was a bug. It certainly made no sense to me. Alternatively I suppose it could be considered a feature that did something no one wanted.
No, this should not be a special feature. It is a good example of lack of logic consistency in AC. Anyway, even programmers in Graphisoft have realised the problem by putting that to the upper range of the buglist. It is interesting how you have drawn your excellent conclusion mate.
Frank Beister
It is a good example of lack of logic consistency in AC.
No. I don't think, that it's a 'programmers thinking' bug. GS has in case of the global parameters not cared enough about the interface to GDL.
I've had a similar bug in AC 6.5 (or 6.0, I dont know anymore), when I used the GLOB_ELEVATION and the GLOB_HSTORY_ELEV and the GLOB_CSTORY_ELEV parameters to place windows depending of the story elevation and not of their walls, they are inside. All worked fine in plan an 3D. But in sections GLOB_HSTORY_ELEV and GLOB_CSTORY_ELEV had the same value and this was the one of the story you called the section window from. They fixed it very fast. A few weeks ago we found out, that the REQUEST ("ASSOCLP_PARVALUE"... statement can not request all possible and necessary parameters in all circumstances. Friday I found, that the SYMB_POS_X and SYMB_POS_Y is not available in the settings dialog. SYMB_POS_Z works well.

So, THIS is inconsistent and GS has to brush up this interface problems. I made a wishlist of all not available or inconsistent working global parameters with description, why we need it. Our German support center has sent it tu Budapest. And I do not abandon to ask for a better documentation for such interface questions. As, for example, László Nagy made a good one for the zone stamp parameters.

So wait for eight .... ups nine (but no rhyme ).
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm