is there a simple way, without using gdl scripts, to edit a .gsm file? For instance, I want to take this island kitchen and use the cabinet stiles on it to make the rest of my cabinets, etc. match its style...and obviously i have no idea how to use gdl
It's kind of an impossible question, since a GSM file is a series of GDL scripts. Editing it requires GDL. It's like asking if you can edit an Archicad without using Archicad.
There might be some 3rd Party tools out there that could make like easier, but I do not know for sure.
There is a really good PDF you can get free at called "Introduction to Object Making".
There are a lot of people who like the "GDL Cookbook." I think it is good in concept, in describing what GDL does and for getting ideas, but is really outdated as far as programming style and in features of Archicad. It was written for Archicad 6.5, last updated in 2001.
And you can use the GDL chess-board example from the book to play chess using the teamwork function. Don't forget to send and receive changes after each move...
(tip of the month? "using teamwork to play chess")