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error message

Not applicable
When I installed a window in a complex profile wall I get a message that says negative or zero index value at Line 401 in the 2d script of file wa_trim_us.gsm . The window shows up in 3d but just shows a blank space in the plan. If someone has an idea of what is wrong with either the window or the wall I would appreciate it. Thanks
Not applicable
Welcome to the forum.
As our fellow forum member David Maudlin would suggest,
You should add a Signature to your Profile (click the Profile button near the
top of this page) with your ArchiCAD version and operating system
(see mine for an example) for more accurate help in this forum.

The name of the macro in the error message you quote is incomplete
because it should have a version number at the end of the name.

Do a search using the key word wa_trim_us and you will find many
threads concerning this particular macro and how to get it to work.

Peter Devlin