2023-08-24 10:36 PM
the handrail tool has got to be the least intuitive tool of the bunch. and i think it's buggy. flexible perhaps, but only if you spend faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long messing around with it to actually figure the stupid thing out. it seems that the changes you make through the settings dialogue of the tool don't always make any difference, which i don't understand, and if you go through the edit > railing settings pallet it may make the changes that you just tried in the settings dialogue. REALLY! two ways to do it, yet inconstant results. one tool, one bloody settings dialogue please! now, i have the railing in edit mode, i select the one segment, open the settings dialogue from the edit window, make some changes to the selected segment and Ta Da! the segment does not change, but the adjacent one does. WTF. yep, that's helpful and intuitive. you can see the segment i have selected, and the next pic of the dialogue for that segment with the bottom rail addition for that segment, but it doesn't match what's selected, but you'll see that it's the adjacent segment now has the bottom rail. i'm sure there's a reason, but that's just it. it aint intuitive.
2024-01-24 11:22 PM
so, more issues. i have set the panels to be offset from the inner posts by 2". and they are not, see pic. i can change it to whatever i want but nothing changes in 2 or 3D. it does change in the railing settings dialogue panel settings in the graphic, but that doesn't help with documentation. also, i don't seem to be able to add panel fixings to the end posts. is there some hidden place for this?
2024-01-25 02:01 AM
No image attached.
If you have used 'EDIT' mode on the railing, selecting the entire railing and changing the settings will no longer affect the entire railing.
You will probably notice yellow triangles in the railing settings.
That means you must continue to 'EDIT' the individual components (you can select multiple components and edit them all together rather than one by one).
So, to add fixings to the end post, you can't do it in the main railing settings (if you have already edited the railing).
You need to sect the end post/s and use 'EDIT' mode.
2024-01-25 02:04 AM
Hi Barry,
Nope, i actually went back to this thread and read your last post about editing. it was a new element and i had not changed it in edit mode, no yellow triangle.
i'll give the post edit thing a go tomorrow. keep you posted.