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lamps in slabs and walls

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Hi everybody,

I'm wondering if there's a way to script gdl lamps to cut holes when inserted in slabs and walls.
I think you can make a ´"window" object with included lighting,
but perhaps you will get in trouble with parameters, because this is not the normal way.
you have to fill the hole, if you don't want to see the lamp on both sides of the wall. and calculation of volumina and surfaces of the wall will be not correct.
users will usually try to insert the lamp with object (not window) tool, so the will be irritated too.

for roofs its pricipally the same

for slabs I don't know a possibility

but in my opinion I wouldn't make it so complicate. first make a hole with a suitable tool (window or seo) then place the lamp.
Frank Beister
You will get light only out of lamp-objects. The LIGHT statement inside other scripts does not cause an error, but it will not bring up a light. Sometimes it's yet a problem if a lamp-object is placed inside an opening of another object. The GDL interpreter thinks it's inside another object an cancels calculation of the lightning out of this source.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of selfGDL.de | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm

I didn't try it before... That was only a idea

Not applicable
About inserting lights into walls.

The best way - to make new window(or door) object starting from "white sheet".
Sure You shoold have some some experience in GDL scripting. Generally
it would not be very complicated object. Especially if You use 9.0 version -
there is a new command for wall niches in GDL interpreter. No problems at all
- every shapes and parameters You want ! Everything must go well if script is written correctly.

About inserting lights into roofs.

The only way to do it - use skylight function like in skylight objects. The huge problem -
just rectangular shapes could be generated automatically for roofs (object L x object W).
Another huge problem - hole should be through the roof (no niches).

About inserting lights into slabs.

No way to do it.

One more hint - why do You need such objects ? Maybe the easiest way - to
'simulate' hole in wall&roofs&slabs ? Make usual light objects which 'seems to be inserted' and
place the light source (it's invisible on sections & 3D drawings) just a few mm in front of
walls or roofs - on the renderings they will works quite well.