Thanks a lot, guys... I've been testing the DWG import and the manual script change (from 2D to 3D like line2 to lin_) without too much success...
The DWG opening as library part seems the quickest but it seems buggy and...
The arcs and circles seem to have to have a fill in the 3D script. Can I turn that off? Can I specify dashed linetypes in the 3D script?
Is there a way or is it possible to write an object that would read DWG files with the appropriate formatting (linetypes, text, colors...) and would map the drawing to a chosen face of a cube the would show the drawing in the elevation view (interior elevation)? That way the DWGs or AC line drawings could remain editable and the formatting would be appropriate. I am testign the raster mapping with PNG file and the PICTURE command, but it does not show up of course in the elevation view...
PDF files might be good to map on cube faces too, but how can I do that?