Just to make a general note about the technique that Laszlo is showing:
While the Find & Select function in AC is great for selecting elements in any view, it can only select based on a very limited set of parameters.
The (interactive) element schedules in AC allow you to create a "schedule" based on almost any parameter of any element/object. Because of the 'select' buttons (plan or 3D) in the schedule window, this is really "Find & Select" on steroids in that you can create almost any kind of query to find very specific elements in a project.
Saving these 'schedules' lets you repeat the find/select in the future. These special 'find' schedules will never be placed on a layout, but will help you work.
Similarly, you may create 'edit only' schedules that let you find and edit specific data fields over the whole project based on the interactive nature of the data in the schedules (which really IS the data inside the elements/objects). These special 'edit' schedules will also never be placed on a layout, but let you quickly set, adjust or correct data throughout the project.
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB