Barry: Did You really trie it? The railing tool really COUD be better than my object, because its points can be connected - associated to the meshes of the terrain - BUT - when using the AC-profiles - it creates "steps", which You have to edit manually. This can be very time-consuming - very laborious. Besides that, the results you get are not very "free of glitches".
I think, that this is fact from the reason, that the railing tool usese not a whole-tube from one ent to enother. It obviously "segments" the Tube - profile and does not get the exact connections..
Then - the railing follows the Terrain - what causes steadily changing sloping. In my object -you get a very even sloping - which you can change later. This mirrors the workflow of an street-planner much better than the solution with the railing tool.
I tried it - of course - before i scripted my gdl here, because of the problems with the railing tool:
german - but You should be able toget my points..
I hope, that this gdl helps Graphisoft to work on a much better version of its railing-tool...
Some other points in my GDL are still "open" for development:
In small curves - the profile should get much "wider" - because trucks need much broader ways in curves than in straight sections. Here - the Tube-command is not really helping. It could be made by dividing the Tube in halfe and get make two curves - a wider curve for the outer tube-halve from the middle.. but GDL is slow enough now.. - I dont know if i will really make this ...
In curves - it could be good to change the side-Angle - to be able to drive faster in curves or to let rainwater run away better..
Curves on street-constructing are normally NOT simple ARCS! This would cause a driver to pull at his steering wheel much too fast in curves. They really are constructed more like sinus-waves, so that you later can drive on it by slowly pulling the steering -weels..
In my GDL - the points now are constructed with arcs, abut the curve-points schould be "easily" created wir bezier-curves - lets see..
shendan: No - because a GDL can get no connection to the terrain to calculate this. But - if you later change the object int a Morph, you can get the exact volumes after SOE's with the terrain - using the label-tool.
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia