2010-07-1403:43 PM - last edited on 2023-05-2506:09 PM by Rubia Torres
2010-07-1403:43 PM
I'm running the educational version of ArchiCAD 13 and I need to open an older file (created in ArchiCAD 7). I tried downloading the file converter available of the Graphisoft website, but that requires a WIBU protection key that I obviously don't have. Is there a file converter available for educational ArchiCAD software? Thanks for your help.
I assume you are out of luck. The educational format back then was not compatible with the regular ArchiCAD version.
And from r10 they changed how it works, by making both compatible but with banners in files saved (once) with the EDU version.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician --- Archicad28/Revit2024/Rhino8/Solibri/Zoom MBP2023:14"M2MAX/Sequoia+Win11 Archicad-user since 1998 my Archicad Book