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Importing 3DS max images to archiCAD

Not applicable
I was just wondering, after I have made images in 3ds max 9, how do I then import them to archiCAD 10?? Also, once they have been imported, do they show up under the object tool and can colours and sizes be modified in archiCAD? Thanks
Not applicable
By images you mean model? You can bring model into AC by exporting it in 3dsmax into 3ds file format. Then you can import 3ds file into AC. AC will automatically create Object from it. You will be unable to modify it though (unless you want to edit GDL of the Object) but,... AC should automatically create parameters that will allow you to change the materials of the object, and you could be able to change the size of the object.
Electric Flute
And don't be impressed by the huge gsm file size that AC creates from 3ds files.
I hope your 3ds file doesn't have many polygons.
AC26 > AC5 - Win10