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Problem with modules

I have a commercial ArchiCAD license, but I am also teaching for students. They use the student version.

While I can open their files it gives problems.

First, the way to open educational files is awkward: open them, stupid warning that I need to switch to eductional version, empty file opens but I'm in watermark mode, now open them again to access them fully
---> this workflow is stupid: open, get warning, open directly!

Second: modules give problems: when a student saves modules, I can refer to them in the main pln file, but I can not open them, because of the previous workflow: when I open a MOD file, I get a warning that I need to switch to educational version first, the program opens an empty file, but in commercial mode. So I end up back where I started: when I reopen the MOD file, I get the same warning and an empty drawing opens.

As a result, I can not open an educational module file in the commercial ArchiCAD version!
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Eduardo Rolon
Check the .mod extension of the student files. My students cannot use the publish to module trick since AC10 then publishes the module with the previous (AC9 and earlier) extension (.med?)

Anyway just change the extension to mod and it may open.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

The extension is not the problem. It is mod. But when the mod is created with ArchiCAD 10 EDU, it is on the non-commercial format. When I open it with ArchiCAD 10 commercial, it can open PLN files, but not MOD files, for the reasons explained in my initial post.

I assume that the files can be read, but the switch from commercial to EDU (which occurs while opening EDU pln-files), is not working. With PLN files, when you open an EDU file, ArchiCAD switches to EDU mode but does not open the said file: you need to open it again. When ArchiCAD opens an EDU mod-file, it does not switch to EDU mode and does not open the file: you can try again, ad infinitum, but since you can't force the switch to EDU mode, the file can not be opened.


Maybe I can try to open the MOD file from ArchiCAD EDU and save it as a PLN file and open that in ArchiCAD commercial to export as MOD, but then I fear that the exported MOD file is back again an EDU file, which I can not open in the commercial version.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book