About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

3d window disappear

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Hi Guys...
I have designed a two story building... when i try to get d perspective or axono of the whole building ,, the elements will disappear ,, i can select them but i can not see them...
Pls help me...
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I see this question hasn't been answered, and it's an old one, but maybe I can activate it again -
I'm having a similar problem. Out of nowhere, when i go to 3d window, there is nothing on the screen except a dark black line, that I can zoom in or out to, and click on. But nothing else.

This has probably happened only 5 or 6 times in the 8 years I've been working on AC - usually we will have to copy EVERYTHING and create a new file to paste into, and that "solves" the problem. But is there a better way?

Hope you can help!
Moderator Emeritus
How do you go to 3D window?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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Djorde -
WOW. I came online to see if I could find an answer to this question, not remembering that I'd left that question two years ago, and definitely NOT having seen your reply.
I'm having the same issue again and I usually access the 3D window by pressing the "F4" key.
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Lara, I think you need to use Command F4 (Mac) to show all in 3D window. Take a look at the View pull down menu and you should see the keyboard shortcuts on the right.

Plain F4 is "Show Selection/Marquee in 3D", at least in AC 12.

I often use F3 but results vary depending on the Layers visible in the window I'm coming from (e.g. Plan view).