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License Delivery maintenance is expected to occur on Saturday, October 19, between 4 and 6 PM CEST. This may cause a short 60-minute outage in which license-related tasks: license key upload, download, update, SSA validation, access to the license pool may not function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

AC15 / Modelling

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So now we know ArchiCAD 15 and 16 are to do with modelling, similar to the way 13 and 14 were centred around teamwork.

This will be interesting to watch, as the implementation will affect whether solo users see this as “yet another update for the big end of town”, or whether it has a general benefit to the usability of the program, and therefore is beneficial to all users.

I’ve long held the view that the 3D engine in ArchiCAD is archaic and in need of urgent overhaul. Not only is it slow, but the ability to create complex objects is limited to GDL scripting, and then there is the whole disconnect between the 3d model and 2d view. Specific complaints might include:
• Single threaded processing (AC needs to maximise use of mainstream multicore CPUs)
• Main accessibility via GDL scripting irrelevant to majority of users (AC needs a good GUI for modelling - urgently).
• Buggy SEOs that magically affect a 3D view without modifying the 2D view. (AC needs a robust modelling toolbox including nurb type shapes, with reliable transformations, that are graphically apparent in the final object).
• Complex model elements do not relate to the ArchiCAD toolset. (Creating complex walls etc still need to behave as walls and be able to receive doors and windows etc - think complex profiles on steroids. One of significant flaws in GS last attempt, the Maxonform add-on, was the way “intelligent’ objects lost their properties and became part of a dumb amorphous mass – and so could not be scheduled, dimensioned etc.).
• Inability to set up relationships between objects

Observations of the pace of development and resources available at GS suggest that they are struggling to keep up with the competition. Two years of AC updates were consumed implementing and fixing Teamwork, and we understand at least 3-4 years development preceded that. Other parts of the program have slipped into irrelevancy (e.g. Lightworks– though fortunately one can get around that with a plethora of capable renderers).

Nemescheck as a group has committed to IFCs for interoperability and so we see both GS and Vectorworks (VW) committing to that standard. Returning to the topic of modelling, VW have embraced Siemens Parametric technology going forward. In an ideal world I would hope GS could also embrace such – not only offering a terrific boost to AC, but also strengthening the Nemescheck group through a far more powerful interoperability than IFCs offer. We shall wait and see what unfolds next year….
Interested to hear what other users have to say on the topic....
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Thanks. I figured it was related to IFC but hadn't run into it yet. One more thing to study...

With IFC, IPD, COBIE, LEED and so on I'm already full of alphabet soup.
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Michael wrote:
Great Find, Michael!!! This is exactly the kind of stuff I have been talking about for objects! Now all AC needs to do is be ready for these standards.

If they do that, then working to improve existing tools would be a huge push forward and solve a bunch of problems for me.

Again, great find!
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It appears that graphisoft take reviews like ACEbytes seriuosley.

This might be blatantly obvious but check this quote if you have not read it.

From: ACEBytes
Cons: Translators for engineering applications cannot fully match the ease of use and accuracy of competing multi-disciplinary BIM platforms; limited conceptual design capabilities; lacks built-in freeform modeling tools for creating complex building forms within the application; building elements lack built-in associativity with other elements, which would have allowed more fluidity in modeling and editing.
This might be the reason for the future development direction taken?
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AC15 ought to be a tour de force. In the old days it had to take the ArchiCAD user's breath away. If so, the release was a pretty sure success.

Now it has to take the Revit users' breath away AND (stealing a line from Suze Orman), make them think "I wish we had ..." while making ArchiCAD users think "I'm glad we did..."

It's an enormous burden to throw on the developers, yet small compared to what will be required in 2012 and beyond to count as a hit.

We're not hearing enough from the GS Asian markets (China, Korea, Vietnam, Maylasia, Japan) where design and construction are not so much in the dumper as in NA. What are they looking for in ArchiCAD? What's happening in India?

Looks like some decommissioning coming up in Japan, speaking of COBIE, and a heck of a lot of new design, rehab, retrofit where resources are constrained. Seems like ArchiCAD could help.
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Matthew wrote:
It may be though that the presence of good third party products may reduce the urgency of including those features.
very true. Look at the cadimage window & doors, way a head of the GS ones IMO.