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Advanced modeling help?

Sloan Springer
As I further my experience and knowledge in ArchiCAD, Ive come to a point where I am seeing things modeled in AC that I have no clue how to efficiently model...here are 2 examples from Michel Rojkind and Dave Chisholm. I expect that GDL is the way to go (the latter even says so about his project), but I have no idea how to do something like this in GDL (much less anything at all!)

Any ideas on how to approach this and what to do, as this is the kind of work I would like to do with ArchiCAD..

Thanks so much!

Sloan Springer, AIA

ArchiCAD 24 Solo\\ 2017 MacBook Pro 13" \ 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 \ 16 GB RAM \ macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Ralph Wessel
Sloan wrote:
I cant seem to figure out how to make OBJECTIVE work...I made an object by cutting holes in a slab, viewing it from the right in parallel projection, then saved it as a gsm object. But, OBJECTIVE says it wont work with objects that dont have a constant cross section. Is there a different way I have to go about it?
You get a relatively 'dumb' object if you save a slab directly as a .gsm. Just select the slab (or fill) in plan and use the tool 'OBJECTiVE > Component > New Profile'. A dialog box will appear to set the profile characteristics and select a library to save it to (see image 1 attached). If you want to create a profile to twist or bend (along its length) like the columns in the illustration, pick a 'Section' profile. If you want something like the curved roof structure (that bends across its face), pick an 'Elevation' profile.

In either case, you need to click on an anchor point for the new profile. Elevation profiles also need an additional click to indicate the direction of the bending axis.

An elevation profile can be bent to a curve by simply dragging the relevant hotspot (image 2 attached). Section profiles can bend in more than on axis, so use 'OBJECTiVE > Tools > Bend' for these (in plan or section - image 3). You can see more of this in action by watching the clips on the product page. There's also a reference manual (pdf) bundled with the add-on.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Sloan Springer
Ok I got that set up...but whenever I try to bend my object, it still says it cannot bend it...I made it set to 'elevation'...when I do it as a section, it just extrudes the wall in a huge circle around itself...I cant seem to just be able to bend it slightly
Sloan Springer, AIA

ArchiCAD 24 Solo\\ 2017 MacBook Pro 13" \ 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 \ 16 GB RAM \ macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Ralph Wessel
Sloan wrote:
Ok I got that set up...but whenever I try to bend my object, it still says it cannot bend it...I made it set to 'elevation'...when I do it as a section, it just extrudes the wall in a huge circle around itself...I cant seem to just be able to bend it slightly
You're on the right track, but you don't need to use the 'Bend' tool on elevation profiles. Referring to the attached image, either:
  • 1) Use the marked hotspot deflect the the profile up or own, or...
    2) Enter the deflection value directly into the object user interface (positive to curve up, negative for own)
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Sloan Springer
Ah OK I got it now...I can definitely see this coming in handy..

Is there a way to torque it as well? I noticed some of the shapes seemed to be able to bend, twist, and torque about each axis

Thanks so much for all the help!!
Sloan Springer, AIA

ArchiCAD 24 Solo\\ 2017 MacBook Pro 13" \ 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 \ 16 GB RAM \ macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Not applicable
I realize you may not want/have time to learn GDL, but it does open up a world of modelling possibilities.
Ralph Wessel
Sloan wrote:
Is there a way to torque it as well? I noticed some of the shapes seemed to be able to bend, twist, and torque about each axis
Yes, just use the 'Lathe' option when you create a new profile. The resulting object can be cut and rotated in 3D (see attached image).

Each profile type is designed with unique abilities. Section profiles bend and twist along the path of travel. Elevation profiles bend across their face. Lathed profiles sweep the profile around a specified angle.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Not applicable
Hmmm this is really cool stuff. I can manage to curve a wall with the profile tool, but now I need a tube, bent to the same shape. Since I seem to struggle with the ins and 'finer'points of archicad 12 (waiting for 13) could anyone make a walk through for beginners in profiling.
regards from Bulgaria
Not applicable
If I add the profiler addon all is clear. Apologies for time wasting.
And don't forget using the complex profile tool

Complex Profile ArchiWiki Article
Dwight Atkinson