2007-01-15 11:08 AM
2007-05-25 05:39 PM
2007-05-25 11:09 PM
2007-05-26 12:18 AM
Bruce wrote:Care to explain more about that? I've been using AC11 since it was in Alpha and don't see how Worksheets are so great. How are you using it that makes up for Teamwork? I'm feeling like I missed something.
Archicad v11 -- This release has been written for 75% of the offices that have not converted 100% to a "Teamworked" Model. Mostly medium and large firms --guessing maybe 75% of the current ArchiCAD medium and large firm user base.
We have been beta testing AC for the last few months. The work sheet concept is really revolutionary and very user friendly to the staff that remains --and probably will remain 2D draft-persons. Any project that more than 2 or 3 people are working on and have a DD or CD deadline that requires expanding the team will find the worksheets a significant increase in productivity and most importantly stress reduction.
How much does ArchiCAD reduce stress--alot-- is there a value to this? -- priceless..
The new dedicated Interior elevation tool is a breeze to use. If you are doing larger scale commercial projects -- check the number of interior elevations that you generate and assume you can cut the time in half or more to produce them--this should pay for the upgrade.I usually have dozens of interior elevations per project... the new interior elevation method is a nice improvement, but I would never say it cuts the time in half over what we're doing now. 15% off tops. Maybe my team is just quick about it to begin with.
Finally, anyone who contends that 11 is a minor release has not used it enough to understand the productivity benefits -- especially to the medium and large firm.What's so major about it? The only "major" thing I see in AC11 is the the major safety blanket if gives to Autocad users who do not want to learn how to model in their new CAD product. Have I missed a use for this that you'd care to explain?
2007-05-26 01:42 AM
2007-05-26 02:04 AM
March, wrote:are you having a bad week fella?!
It would be really nice if perhaps for Christmas this forum would recognize a baseline jpg avatar saved from either photoshop & preview made on my intel mac & if it could get to that stage using something other than IE 5 ie either firefox & safari...
2007-05-26 02:18 AM
TomWaltz wrote:
Oh wait... you're a reseller.....
Bruce wrote:Bruce, Dude, you have less posts than I have fingers and in exactly none of them have you stated your affiliation. I support you being here (a quick review of of your postings shows them to be helpful and cogent), but if you're blowing the company's horn, you really have to put on a name tag. GET A SIG.
I don't think I've hidden any thing form anyone.
2007-05-26 02:19 AM
Bruce wrote:when i read your initial post i wondered how much GS had paid you . . .
Sorry, I don't think I've hidden any thing form anyone.
Yes I am a reseller but...
2007-05-26 02:48 AM
Bruce wrote:Bruce,
Sorry, I don't think I've hidden any thing form anyone. I think I am qualified to have an opinion--as this is a democratic forum-- and will stand by what I said about AC 11.
Yes I am a reseller but, not unlike many resellers of ArchiCAD, I have been practicing Architecture since 1970 something and have been using ArchiCAD since v.4.55. I have personally completed at least a 100 ArchiCAD projects and continue to practice Architecture as well as advise our ArchiCAD Clients large and small. I feel offering our advice and consultation as an user is what makes ArchiCAD different than other Virtual Design and Construction Programs on the market. It is also why we get user calls at 9:30 PM asking questions and at the same time leaving messages that they love this program even after using it only a few months.
I saw the initial demonstration of AC 11 in October at the International reseller meeting and from this initial demo it was somewhat of a let down after v10.
But then we were issued a Beta Copy and began to use it on a large hotel/condo project to learn it for release and test the features to introduce it to our Clients. As I noted, it became clear that this was a much more robust release that it initially appeared and especially for our the users who were just transitioning to use 3D CAD and still using a lot of 2D flat CAD in their practice.
I think both Graphisoft and the Resellers of ArchiCAD have the same objectives in mind -- to improve the productivity of all the users across the board -- not just a few uber users -- this release continues do this and if it weren't Friday at 5:30 PM I might continue to describe the many ways that this release does offer many major features that will help firms transition to the true Virtual Design and Construction process.
As we get users up and running I will make sure they post their positive experiences with transitioning from 2D to 3D using the new tools of version 11. Cheers!
2007-05-26 11:53 AM
2007-05-26 01:20 PM