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ArchiCAD 9 Hotfix-3 is now available

Greg Kmethy
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Dear ArchiCAD-Talkers,

The third hotfix patch (build 2045) for ArchiCAD 9 is now available. Go to the 'Help' menu of ArchiCAD 9 and click on the command 'Check for updates...' This patch can be applied to all previous versions of ArchiCAD 9. For more info please click on the URL below...

Gergely Kmethy
VP, Customer Success, Graphisoft
Not applicable
Can we be consistent with the terminology? Hot fix numbers, build numbers. AC versions, release numbers....

I'm assuming this refers to the current build 2045.
Greg Kmethy
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
OK, I include the build number (it is also in the release notes)

Gergely Kmethy
VP, Customer Success, Graphisoft
Millard wrote:
Can we be consistent with the terminology? Hot fix numbers, build numbers. AC versions, release numbers....
Take the poll.
James Murray

Archicad 27 • Rill Architects • macOS • OnLand.info
Not applicable
James wrote:
Millard wrote:
Can we be consistent with the terminology? Hot fix numbers, build numbers. AC versions, release numbers....
Take the poll.
Been there, done that.
Just helping to make the point.
Millard wrote:
Just helping to make the point.
Piling on is encouraged.
James Murray

Archicad 27 • Rill Architects • macOS • OnLand.info
Eduardo Rolon
I installed the update and though AC is not misbehaving I noticed these debug errors posted to the Console. BTW running OS X 10.4.1
INFO: Module 148, diagnostic code 1381 [ "Mac HD:Applications:Graphisoft:ArchiCAD 9:Add-Ons:Visualisation:smdata:plugins" ]

Warning: Unknown message id: 110
Warning: Unknown message id: 52
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lisesman" 23 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "licrypto" 152 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liplugin" 148 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "livm" 154 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvepx" 131 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirenout" 132 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liiomgr" 149 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liobject" 112 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "linpr" 96 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lisketch" 130 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liglutil" 142 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liopengl" 111 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liogldrv" 116 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liesslte" 124 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liiir" 114 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "litexgen" 102 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lifilter" 98 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "limeshio" 70 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "licolour" 81 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishpost" 68 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liscrbuf" 69 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liphoto" 66 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "livrml" 67 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "ligeoout" 59 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liselect" 16 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liradios" 6 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvjpg" 79 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvdum" 37 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvtif" 40 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvtga" 39 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvbmp" 38 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvlwi" 28 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirenhid" 25 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "ligeops" 22 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirenadv" 32 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirenstd" 12 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishpro" 76 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishray" 139 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishclas" 75 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirenwir" 10 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirayful" 137 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lirayshw" 138 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liraycor" 136 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liitface" 140 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishader" 5 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lipoly" 3 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lixform" 15 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "ligeom" 2 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "liview" 9 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lishaddb" 155 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lilwaio" 150 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "limultit" 82 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidrvcar" 128 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lidriver" 26 ]
DEBUG: Module 1, diagnostic code 259 [ "lisystem" 1 ]
Any Ideas
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Are these libraries (as in ADD-ON or MODULE)? It seems so.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Eduardo Rolon
Ignore the error, apparently it was a Slab Object that had an user error on it ( I Magic Wanded a dwg and created an invalid polygon ).
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Rakela Raul
i regret i installd hot fixes
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16