Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2010-05-10 05:56 PM
2010-05-19 03:30 AM
2010-05-19 08:58 AM
Matthew wrote:True Matthew ... but again all that doesn't make it an "upgrade" IMHO , imagine that AC15 came as the same features but supports 128 bits ? I agree its a huge work and big features and huge job for programmers and all ..but does that justify asking people to pay a full upgrade / subscription ? ... does that really catch up with what is happening in the other BIM tools ?
I have held off on chiming in on this discussion since I'll probably seem like a big GS apologist and all but...
I think the IFC and collaboration improvements are a big deal and very important. Of course I am not unbiased in this opinion since collaboration, interoperability and file conversions are a big part of what I do.
I do agree with the wish for more improvements in the modeling department. And it seems to me that there are dozens of little improvements that would make big differences to a lot of people. If I were in charge of specifying the ArchiCAD upgrades I would make sure that at least a handful of these little fixes and improvements got into each release.
2010-05-19 03:34 PM
hese are huge developments..and GS during the last couple of years are just killing every possible workaround ( connection with Sketchup - Maxonform - not to mention the old GDL tool box and other options ) .. and I really can't get the point of that !
2010-05-19 05:42 PM
whatever wrote:Just to reflect briefly on this.
not to mention what was mentioned earlier that IFC depends on both ends of the process and AC is just one side ... but who can control the other side ? lets just remember how GS blamed Google when they stopped the link on Mac ! saying simply .. we can't do nothing ! .. so what if the same scenario happened here ? so really IFC can't be perfect IMHO ..
2010-05-19 09:36 PM
laszlonagy wrote:Thanx Laszlo , I have noticed that in the videos , but still .. having all the previous experiments with Sketchup ..google earth ( or even autocad) ..when we just can't catchup with their upgrading cycle ( which is normal .. no one will ask GS to do all that) ..but that puts us again into the issue of having two ends in the IFC story .. not to mention the shortage of connection with Structural analysis programs ( almost none of the commonly used programs export a proper IFC file.. and we have to manually check the results before brining it into AC) .. all that puts IFC quite far from being a stable / every day platform . so yes any improvement in that direction is really good... but again having that nature of not depending on one software I still think that all those features could be implemented and improved on a long term strategy ... while the basics of the program ( where it is in a controlled environment ) should be addressed instead.whatever wrote:Just to reflect briefly on this.
not to mention what was mentioned earlier that IFC depends on both ends of the process and AC is just one side ... but who can control the other side ? lets just remember how GS blamed Google when they stopped the link on Mac ! saying simply .. we can't do nothing ! .. so what if the same scenario happened here ? so really IFC can't be perfect IMHO ..
With AC14 there will come Revit Add-Ins: an Add-In for Revit Structure and another for Revit MEP.
The Revit Structure Add-In will make the IFC smarter right after it is exported from/imported to Revit Structure so the AC-Revit IFC conversion is better than can be achieved by Revit's IFC implementation alone.
The Revit MEP Add-In is used to export the MEP data into IFC so Revit to AC conversion is correct.
So there are ways to improve the exchange even on the other side.
2010-05-20 01:30 AM
whatever wrote:Yes, I agree it is probably a long term strategy. As I see it it is a strategy of saying let everyone use their program of choice and collaborate through open standards, instead of everyone forced onto a single platform based on a one-size-fits-all idea.
Thanx Laszlo , I have noticed that in the videos , but still .. having all the previous experiments with Sketchup ..google earth ( or even autocad) ..when we just can't catchup with their upgrading cycle ( which is normal .. no one will ask GS to do all that) ..but that puts us again into the issue of having two ends in the IFC story .. not to mention the shortage of connection with Structural analysis programs ( almost none of the commonly used programs export a proper IFC file.. and we have to manually check the results before brining it into AC) .. all that puts IFC quite far from being a stable / every day platform . so yes any improvement in that direction is really good... but again having that nature of not depending on one software I still think that all those features could be implemented and improved on a long term strategy ... while the basics of the program ( where it is in a controlled environment ) should be addressed instead.
And sorry... but for me .. IFC doesn't only mean Revit !?.. although this what the videos imply .!
2010-05-20 02:10 AM
2010-05-20 06:12 AM
laszlonagy wrote:This strategy is supposed to be what GS is preaching for long time ... but looking at the market today ..the part of "every one use their program of choice " becoming one particular program ! .. and to be honest .. now the programs (at least the architecture packages) doesn't have that significant advantages one over the other .. so in that case .. and if I wasn't an old user of AC... why would I go with AC and have to live a nightmare working with IFC ? " to convert a big file from another "very compatible structural package" to AC it might take 4-5 hours in some cases ... do I really love to go through that while there are no huge advantages in AC against the competitors ? the structural guys here are using Etabs for structural analysis ... can I share an IFC from archicad with them ? no .. because etabs crashes at that point ..and even if it doesn't ..it just can't read the files properly ( not even its own IFC files ) .. ok can I get it back from etabs in IFC format ? no .. because again it exports in a very weird way ... so its a thing that GS can't enhance .. ! its an etabs issue .. and here I question that part about you pick the best package and we make it work ! " while most of the competitors with their structural packages developed links "not only IFC - AFAIK- sure not to mention buying that product by the same company
Yes, I agree it is probably a long term strategy. As I see it it is a strategy of saying let everyone use their program of choice and collaborate through open standards, instead of everyone forced onto a single platform based on a one-size-fits-all idea.
By the way, AC14 will have IFC connection to many programs, including: Analysis Applications, DDS-CAD MEP, Nemetschek Allplan Engineering, Scia Engineer, Revit Structure, Revit MEP and Tekla.
There will be so-called IFC Translators, similar to the existing DXF/DWG Translators so the translators can be configured to work specifically with various applications.
2010-05-20 06:24 AM
2010-05-20 06:59 AM