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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Archicad for Linux

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I think the linux market share will grow in 2005.
I usually work with OpenOffice 1.9, Mozzila, Gaim, Skype, Oracle 10g, GIMP 2.1, Blender, Dia, ArcGIS 9.0 software that run on windows and linux,
I would like to work with a version of Archicad for linux,

Now we only have Building Information Modeling (BIM) software in linux:
- ARCAD 90, from - only in german i think
- BricsCad, (brings DWG to the LINUX community) beta version, from
and a old 2D Software - Microstation 95 for Linux
Does anybody know if there will be a linux version of archicad in 2005?

153 REPLIES 153
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Constantin wrote: are the kind of guy that thinks "the best way is the knowned way, why search for better ones?!"....

You don't hear that about Apple users often.

Constantin - Autodesk, who are definitely a global player, and they don't make any software for Linux either.

Sadly I think the worlds of Linux and CAD won't be crossing over at any time soon.
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TomWaltz wrote:
How many architects out there are running Linux on the desktops? How many do you think would buy a Linux Archicad? Unless that number is well into the thousands and they are all new customers, it's not going to be cost effective for GS to pursue. Software manufacturers know the big money is in selling new licenses more than maintaining existing ones (unless they see support services).
It doesn't take an expert on economy to estimate that there are young architects who are just starting out in less evolved countryes from the former soviet block, where you probably heard that the standard of living is not as great as in luckyer-over-the-history countries. I mean the major concern of an average romanian is the next day. I heard Romania holds no.2 at computer hacking and is CD-piracy's heaven.

Just on my way to university there is a guy i know from whom i could get a cracked Archicad.

My point is:

Windows XP 145.80 $ + Archicad 795.00 $ = 940.80 USD
Symphony OS 0.00$ + Archicad 795 $ = 795 USD

Savings of 145.8 USD > 4`053`240.00 ROL = 810,648 breads (i calculate values in breads because it's the most basic necessity)

Now i don't know how many breads an average american eats... but for a romanian 810 breads lasts 4.44 years (if they wouldn't expire)

hope the numbers say something to you....

So if i ware from a country with a minimum average wage of 253,21 USD, my guess is that 145,8 usd will urge the romanian to use archicad for linux. You would be surprise to know what the average romanian would do for less

Now i don't care that much about money right now. I have windows and allplan for free . But i like linux better and i feel that i am against all that windows-is-the-best-just-because-the-best-programs-don't-run-on-anything-else. Why should Microsoft take credit for programs made by Graphisoft.

About my opinions that offended you, i must apologize, but you could appreciate my sincerity. Opinions must be shared without fear. I guess that's why we had a revolution here in `89 and i appreciate democracy to an extent...

In the end... i'll keep the faith. For me there still is a long way until i will open my own architecture office. And even if there will not be an archicad for linux, i'm the kind of guy that could louse everything and be left only with love instead of having everything except love (i'm saying this because the feeling for my girlfriend overwhelms me 8-> )

And you guessed it... i'm 20 years "young"
Constantin wrote:
it doesn't take a shrink to notice that you despise linux and embrace big-corporation-overstepping-smaller-firms kind of policies. it's either this or you are the kind of guy that thinks "the best way is the knowned way, why search for better ones?!"....
In case you did not notice, it was not your opinions on Linux that bothered me. It was this statement.
Tom Waltz
You make a number of good points for why you want it.... the points that matter though are how Graphisoft could benefit from making a Linux version. Why would they want to make it? What's in it for them in the short term? (which often funds the long term).
Tom Waltz
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TomWaltz wrote:
You make a number of good points for why you want it.... the points that matter though are how Graphisoft could benefit from making a Linux version. Why would they want to make it?.
DDDUUUUHHHH!!!!!! ... because if i want it, than Graphisoft will have my money for it. I mean they are not that stupid to realise that making a linux version for "ME"... and thouse like me (we are about 700 or so students in this university alone and in romania only) ... restasure that there will be MORE than 1000 new costumers.

In countries that 60 years ago the british bombed by night, the americans by day, the rusians cannoned with their tanks... the COMUNISTS suked the economy dry out, and the UN put that country to pay for war dammages, people are not that rich as the only-shells-from-U-boats-ware-fired-at-us counterparts. (diffrent storry my american buddy)
The point is that poorer young architects expect cheeper licenses (if u forgot what my point, Linux+Archicad cheaper than Windows+Archicad(or other competitors)). You don't have to look far to see them. Try romania, bulgaria, ucraina, ungaria... etc. And i think that even Congo and other african nations might have architects, but that's my guess.

And if even this message doesen't make see that my arguments are rock-solid, i wan't argue with you no more, because i promise myself i wan't put up with STUBBORN people. (spell check broke down on me...)
I understand what you are trying to say (have traveled trough Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary in early 90-ties) about the actual buying power of architects and architectural professionals there. But I do not agree that this problem should be resolved by introducing Linux version of AC. It would be really tough on GS resources, I suppose. However, there is something that should be done about the pricing of AC in that particular region like scaling the initial cost down in proportion to actual income of an professional or something similar (not a marketing expert). I believe GS could actually profit from this in two ways; for one increasing the user base and two getting at least a portion of the AC price then nothing (for the hacked one).
Do not get me wrong I am really with you as I could have seen the situation there which must be really though but introducing Linux versions is not a viable solution.
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Rob wrote:
Do not get me wrong I am really with you as I could have seen the situation there which must be really though but introducing Linux versions is not a viable solution.
you talk like my country is Somalia don't worry, romania is not that poor... it;s just the money circulates in wrong ways, but i must not begin talking about former communists and opportunists or i will not finish ... ever

i'm disappointed to think that GS doesn't have the resources to strech over linux. i'm one that would defenitly buy a linux AC and if others in my situation think the same... then GS would profit out of my controversed idea.

I never bought an original Windows OS, and suspect that this cracked version i have is making bads on my hdd, so converting to linux for me is crucial.

It would be ideal for me to see a bundel Archicad+Linux pack. I would buy it when i'll graduate. And i bet if there ware a big poster advertising this product... so would my group mates

One day windows monopole on the OS market will fall. I'm just asking myself who would be brave enough to be the first to push windows. I bet it would be one of those risky investments that no one dared do try and wend over the charts.

In my opinion, linux is a better and cheaper product than Windows, but as all of those who would think this way, can't use linux alone because our application require windows... it's not fair. But in the end, i still expect such a product that would bring balance to the OS

it's either archicad or allplan for me and:
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uau... so i'm left thinking i convinced you all... well thank God because there isn't a simpler logic then that witch i mentioned. It would be one of those things to simple to explain for me if anyone would continued....

is GS looking on those articles ?
uau... so i'm left thinking i convinced you all...
actually you didn't,
another problem you are forgetting about is a maintanace of linux/unix systems. I just wonder if the s*h*i*t hit the fan with some virus who would look after your OS. It's quite rare to get some unix IT fello... I am guessing how many licenses have been sold to sort of one-man-office businesses vs. small/medium (5-50 people) offices where the internal network is necessity and so the IT person who looks after that.
Yes, microsoft has created monopoly, bugger them, but we want to minimise the cost of IT maintenance (or at least avoid to fiddle with IT) being architects and/or builders etc. it's easy mathematics mate.
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Rob wrote:
uau... so i'm left thinking i convinced you all...
I am guessing how many licenses have been sold to sort of one-man-office businesses vs. small/medium (5-50 people) offices where the internal network is necessity and so the IT person who looks after that.
Yes, microsoft has created monopoly, bugger them, but we want to minimise the cost of IT maintenance (or at least avoid to fiddle with IT) being architects and/or builders etc. it's easy mathematics mate.

so i guess i'm stupid then if you said so..... but if it's easy maths than show me the numbers so i can calculate your equation too... And if you say that only 5 to 50 people would concider AC for linux... you must know romania better than me. Have you read my erlyer articles?

one thing i can't understand... is how windows is safer than linux